We usually look at society to have an idea of what’s going on around us, yet we forget that society is also made up of the inner feelings and frustrations of others. Unfortunately, we allow society to influence us as well, making us feel the same way that everyone else is feeling. We often forget to just stop for a moment to take a look inside ourselves. Instead we are spending too much time looking at outside sources like the news, celebrities, social media etc…And in some cases we let them determine how we should feel. We forget that WE are the ones who ALLOW those things that we see or hear to upset us and affect us. If more of us took the time to be quiet, to turn off the distractions, opinions of others etc…To just take some time to think in peace, letting go of the fear of looking within ourselves and taking a moment to just calm our minds, think and meditate. If we did this daily in our lives for even just 5 minutes! We would be better able to realize which things we must let go of, we would see those things that are not letting us progress and we would realize what is stopping us from feeling more peace an joy in our lives. If we can take a few minutes to do this exercise, it will not only strengthen us internally but we will be better able to see and recognize whats going on within ourselves.
Most of us wake up to read the news and to see what’s going on around the world, from the internet, social media, the news etc. But starting our day like that can affect our emotions from early on in the day and it wont allow us to start our day on a very positive note. Whereas If we were to read or listen to an uplifting message each morning before even looking at the news or social media, our whole day would start out and feel a lot different. And if we took that uplifting message one step further to actually take it in fully by keeping that message with ourselves during our day. To then be able to use what we learned and to actually put it into ACTION and to practice the new wisdom that we have gained. And having learned something uplifting for ourselves, we can then go out and share it with others. By filling ourselves with all that is good and positive we will be better able to spread more of what the world NEEDS right now. Which is an outpouring from us of GOODNESS! Of messages that will help us to be a little more uplifting, positive and to spread all that is good and loving to our friends, family and to the whole world as children of God that we ALL are!
It’s always good to know what’s happening around the world…But it’s most important to know what’s going on inside our internal world! Our own world of thoughts, feelings, believes, perception, opinions etc…We must work on taking care of our inner world first!!! On creating and bringing in to my own soul my own peace, on keeping my thoughts clean, my feelings positive towards others and on getting rid of all that is negative etc…When we work on our inner selves, it will not only help us to feel great inside but it will be radiated to our outside world as well.Â
All around the world people want to create peace and bring universal harmony yet most of us are not peaceful within ourselves! We choose to hold on to negative feelings towards others or to say or do things are can hurt others etc…causing our own world to not have peace inside of it. We also fight to have clean air free of pollution, yet we are polluting it with bad thoughts or negative actions or feelings that comes from us towards others :(…These are just some of the things that we can choose to change in ourselves and to have the humility to do so will give us greater strength and power to continue working on ourselves daily.
We can create this for ourselves and if we have the desire we have access to receive the help of God for our lives. We can reach out to Him and ask Him for strength to be able to better ourselves and have a more joyful, peaceful life that will not only change our inner world but also the world around us! đ  We are here to be a light to the world! To do good for others and to live the best life we can. God will bless us and help us because He loves us! I know that with all my heart ď¸
Our spiritual goal is to create peace and joy within ourselves that can not only help us internally but also be radiated to those that surround us.
And or physical goal for the week is to take time to be quiet, to meditate and to exercise to get rid of stress and negativity. <3
I hope that everyone has a peaceful and wonderful day having gratitude for all that we have. Let’s take care of selves from within and notice the difference! đ Tonight in class we will have a wonderful meditation to help us with this!…Hope you can make it not only for the workout but to renew your mind and your spirit to be more positive. Hope to see you there!
Love you all!