Create Peace and Joy

With everything that’s been going on in our country and around the world, it’s easy to let those circumstances affect our mood and our own environment. We see people who are upset, full of anger, frustration, and with a lack of patience and love for others. 🙁

We usually look at society to have an idea of what’s going on around us, yet we forget that society is also made up of the inner feelings and frustrations of others. Unfortunately, we allow society to influence us as well, making us feel the same way that everyone else is feeling. We often forget to just stop for a moment to take a look ?inside ourselves. Instead we are spending too much time looking at outside sources like the news, celebrities, social media etc…And in some cases we let them determine how we should feel. We forget that WE are the ones who ALLOW those things that we see or hear to upset us and affect us. If more of us took the time to be quiet, to turn off the distractions, opinions of others etc…To just take some time to think in peace, letting go of the fear of looking within ourselves and taking a moment to just calm our minds, think and meditate. If we did this daily in our lives for even just 5 minutes! We would be better able to realize which things we must let go of, we would see those things that are not letting us progress and we would realize what is stopping us from feeling more peace an joy in our lives. If we can take a few minutes to do this exercise, it will not only strengthen us internally but we will be better able to see and recognize whats going on within ourselves.

Most of us wake up to read the news and to see what’s going on around the world, from the internet, social media, the news etc. But starting our day like that can affect our emotions from early on in the day and it wont allow us to start our day on a very positive note. Whereas If we were to read or listen to an uplifting message each morning before even looking at the news or social media, our whole day would start out and feel a lot different. And if we took that uplifting message one step further to actually take it in fully by keeping that message with ourselves during our day. To then be able to use what we learned and to actually put it into ACTION and to practice the new wisdom that we have gained. And having learned something uplifting for ourselves, we can then go out and share it with others. By filling ourselves with all that is good and positive we will be better able to spread more of what the world NEEDS right now. Which is an outpouring from us of GOODNESS! Of messages that will help us to be a little more uplifting, positive and to spread all that is good and loving to our friends, family and to the whole world as children of God that we ALL are!?

It’s always good to know what’s happening around the world…But it’s most important to know what’s going on inside our internal world!  Our own world of thoughts, feelings, believes, perception, opinions etc…We must work on taking care of our inner world first!!! On creating and bringing in to my own soul my own peace, on keeping my thoughts clean, my feelings positive towards others and on getting rid of all that is negative etc…When we work on our inner selves, it will not only help us to feel great inside but it will be radiated to our outside world as well. ??

All around the world people want to create peace and bring universal harmony yet most of us are not peaceful within ourselves! We choose to hold on to negative feelings towards others or to say or do things are can hurt others etc…causing our own world to not have peace inside of it. We also fight to have clean air free of pollution, yet we are polluting it with bad thoughts or negative actions or feelings that comes from us towards others :(…These are just some of the things that we can choose to change in ourselves and to have the humility to do so will give us greater strength and power to continue working on ourselves daily.

The most Important work we can do is the work that we do within ourselves! ?Success inside of ourselves is more important than success outside of ourselves. When our energy inside is clean, our thoughts are pure, we are able to be more loving, it becomes easier to let go of things that are negative and that we have been holding onto for a while. We are more forgiving, It helps us to begin to see the good in others and be able to look past our differences. Having a desire to create peace within ourselves, will create happiness from within! not controlled by the negativity of the “outside world” but created and controlled by ourselves internally! always thinking about our our highest purpose, potential and good on this earth.
This helps us to see that we are not dependent on outside sources to make us happy. What happens outside of us doesn’t have to determine what goes on inside of us! It all has to do with the way that we choose to react to those stimulus that are constantly being throw at us. We can choose to let them in and affect us or choose to leave them out! Some people depend on material things to bring them happiness Money $, possessions etc.. Others want recognition or praise to bring them joy. or some say, this or that makes me happy, a movie, a meal, an event etc… Otherwise, if they don’t have those things they’re not happy! 🙁 We don’t need to depend on outside sources that only bring temporary happiness…We can create for ourselves internally lasting happiness and a feeling of peace and joy  that is not determined by any outside stimulus. Not a person, the reactions or opinions of others, the thoughts or anything negative that tries to come inside our world can enter without our permission. We choose what we allow INSIDE and we also determine what comes outside of ourselves. If our inside energy is good, then our outside will also be the same. It all connects and we will feel truly successful within ourselves which will bring Happiness and joy without the need of any material, praise seeking or anything else that the “outside world” says is important! The joy will be internal. And the more we work on ourselves the bigger the difference and the strength that we’ll feel! making us feel comfortable, stable, peaceful, and that our thoughts and actions are in harmony with each other. 🙂

We can create this for ourselves and if we have the desire we have access to receive the help of God for our lives. We can reach out to Him and ask Him for strength to be able to better ourselves and have a more joyful, peaceful life that will not only change our inner world but also the world around us! 🙂  We are here to be a light to the world! To do good for others and to live the best life we can. God will bless us and help us because He loves us! I know that with all my heart ❤️

Our spiritual goal is to create peace and joy within ourselves that can not only help us internally but also be radiated to those that surround us.

And or physical goal for the week is to take time to be quiet, to meditate and to exercise to get rid of stress and negativity. <3

I hope that everyone has a peaceful and wonderful day having gratitude for all that we have. Let’s take care of selves from within and notice the difference! 🙂 Tonight in class we will have a wonderful meditation to help us with this!…Hope you can make it not only for the workout but to renew your mind and your spirit to be more positive. Hope to see you there!

Love you all!

Lili ?


How often are we letting our attitudes be determined by others or by the world around us? We often forget that we have the freedom to choose how we will react to every single situation that comes into our lives. The power to CHOOSE comes from within us!!! We decide how we react to the the situations or people around us. Nobody makes us do or feel anything. The choice is always ours and according to what we decide in our minds….so it will be.
Our father in heaven wants us to have a positive attitude. Our minds should be filled with all that is good, uplifting, that brings knowledge wisdom and strength to overcome our daily challenges. There’s enough evil in the world for us to bring that stuff into our lives or to add to it with our negative attitudes. 🙁 Instead, we should have a strong desire within ourselves to fill our lives with all that is good and positive!! ?  We must push away the negativity,  all the evil or anything that makes us feel uneasy or uncomfortable…We are here on this earth not to let those evil things influence us, but to push them away or if possible eliminate them from our lives. Therefore being able to fill our minds, hearts and attitudes with peace, joy, love, forgiveness, wisdom and humility. So that we may RADIATE that light that we have brought into ourselves with others. ☀
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
I want to memorize this scripture! This is what feeding our minds with positivity is all about!  It’s about bringing the truth of God into our lives and that we may renew and align our minds with God’s will. I know that He desires for us to be positive, to be able to choose that for ourselves and to be a source of good in the world! To SEE THE GOOD that is around us even during the hardest or darkest times…And specially to remember that we are not alone on this journey. He wants us to know and remember that we have the help of our Savior and our Father in Heaven who both want us to live righteously and to fill our homes, communities, our country and all of our surroundings with good and peace that can only come from having God in our lives. The day will come that all of our hard work will pay off! God is always watching us and is so proud of when we react in a godlike manner to our situations that come into our lives. ?
So, let’s be strong! ?In what God has given us! continuing to learn from the wisdom He provides and from all of the positive things that surround us. At the end of it all, God is the one who will prevail! And our desire is to be close to Him and to be a light like him will be rewarded and we will feel GREAT now and then! ??Let’s Trust in God! Push away the bad, bring in ALL the peace and the Good! Expect the BEST and BE YOUR BEST in the sight if God. ?
Our spiritual goal for the week is to have a positive mental attitude! If at any point we start feeling negative, lets stop ourselves, go outside for a minute, take a few deep breaths, think of the things we are grateful for and choose what is the most beneficial way to react to the situation…I’m working on trying to change my attitude for the next 30 days! 😉 you can join me if you can, so we can see the difference that a good attitude will make. ?
Our physical go for the week is to add some resistance to our exercises. Maybe walking with light weights or using your own body weight for some exercises, will not only strengthen and tone our muscles but it will also help us to prevent osteoporosis. Plus, exercising is one of those things that will help our minds be positive and feel great! 🙂 Let’s aim for at least 30 mins of exercise 3 days this week. 🙂
I hope that you’re able to make it to class tonight at 7!! The goal is to be able to turn off our brains from the every day and all of the distractions and to do something great for ourselves! To be able to exercise, tone, meditate and relax. And to be able to strengthen ourselves not only physically but also emotionally, mentally and spiritually. ?
Love you all! Have a blessed and wonderful day and let’s keep a prayer in our hearts today for our beautiful country [?] and that this election may be in the hands of God and for what He desires. ?
Love always,
Lili ?

Pray Always

Think of the ways in which the enemy stops us from praying. Is it distractions?, Social Media? Internet? ,Tv?, waking up late? other responsibilities?, Or just laziness?…There will always be distractions that try to stop us from praying. That is the enemy’s goal! He wants us to be as far away from God as he can get us to be. He knows that if we have a relationship with God this will weaken his influence in our lives and because he fears those who are close to God, he will try as hard as he can to stop us from building a relationship with God or even just talking to him, period.
If we are able to recognize the ways and tools which the enemy uses to create this separation from us and God, then we must fight against it with a stronger desire to push away the opposition and to do ALL THAT IS IN OUR POWER TO COMMUNICATE WITH GOD OUR FATHER. This will bring strength and peace into our lives and a stronger desire to come closer to God daily. ?
2 Nephi 32:8-9, Says;
And now, my beloved brethren, I perceive that ye ponder still in your hearts; and it grieveth me that I must speak concerning this thing. For if ye would hearken unto the Spirit which teacheth a man to pray, ye would know that ye must pray; for the evil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray.
But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul. 
By giving in to the spirit of God which teaches us to pray and to stay close to God. We will notice how different our days will be if we start our day with a prayer. Having that quiet time of communication and mediation with God will allow us to be better able to deal with the stress and different situations that may arise during our day. We will feel differently just by knowing that we started our day with a prayer and we will be able to acknowledge more clearly the hand of God in our lives to protect us, inspire us and take care of us during our day. Our Father in Heaven isn’t just there for when we NEED him! 🙁 I’m know that He loves to hear from us every day! During the good times or the bad times. That we may ask Him to consecrate our performances and everything that we do, from cleaning our house to working or doing all of our activities…That He will allow those things to be for our welfare, for the benefit of our soul, and that all our activities may all be dedicated to Him! ??
Our spiritual goal for the week is to recognize the things or oppositions that are getting in our way from allowing us to talk to our Heavenly Father. To push away the opposition and to make the changes to put God first in our lives. The goal is to pray each morning and to have a prayer in heart during the day as we dedicate our activities to Him and for the benefit of our souls. If you have an experience that teaches you something from this week, I would love to hear it!!! ?
Our physical goal for the week is To take it easy with the Candy! lol 😉 It’s tempting to have so much!…So, our goal is to have good self control this week. Replace the sugar with a fruit or raisins or anything that’s a healthier choice.:) We’ll be proud of our willpower! ??
Tonight at 7 we’re gonna burn calories, tone and mediate to leave us feeling not only physically strong but also emotionally and mentally ready for the rest of our week. I hope you guys can make it and be able to push alway the opposition that gets in the way for us to be able to do something amazing for body, mind and spirit. ??

Hope to see you there! 🙂 Have a blessed and wonderful day and I want you guys to know that I love you and that I pray for you always! I’m so thankful to have each and every one of you in my life. & Thank you so much for reading these little weekly messages! ?✨Hope we can keep them in our hearts and try to do better each week 🙂 ❤️xoxo

Love always,

Lili ?

Align Ourselves to Him

Each week we focus on a spiritual and a physical goal, to push ourselves to be better and to feel motivated and encouraged to move in the right direction. We know that by doing so, we will eventually create new and positive habits that will bring more peace and joy to our future. ?
We all have different goals, desires or needs that we want for our lives etc….This week I’ve been asking myself; Are my goals aligned with God’s goals??? if not, then what are the changes that need to be made to make that happen??? I know that I will feel much more at peace If I was fully trying to live in the way that God wants me too and according to the Goals that He has already stablished for us as his children. 🙂
The reason why this question has been on my mind this week is because unfortunately one of my neighbors got into a terrible car accident and has been in a comma for more than a week. Terrible accidents like this helps us to realize just how incredibly fragile life is 🙁 …And the fact that it could really be gone in an instant.That is why it is so important for us to take in each and every day we are given! that is our gift! To be able to take in each experience wether it’s good or bad and most importantly to continue working and learning each day to come closer to God and to be better and better prepared each passing day of our lives to someday be able to meet Him! To be in His presence and to someday hear Him say that we did well, that we were faithful and that we endured to the end! 🙂
* For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors. (Alma 34:32)
That is why it is so important for us to align ourselves to God. To remind ourselves that THE PLANS OF GOD should be MY PLANS!!! His desires should be MY desires!! To be fully aligned to Him will require work! it will not be easy or the most “popular” things that our friends are doing…It will require a change in myself, letting go of things, having more humility, trusting more fully, keeping His commandments and being faithful and diligent. We know that it won’t be easy, people may make fun of us or whatever…But we don’t do things to “fit in with the world” We do things to be at peace with God and to know that what He has asked, is being developed in our lives and that we are changing each day, each week, little by little towards becoming the person that He created us to become. Every bit of work in ourselves will be work it!!! ? We will feel it in our lives and in our souls and theres nothing in the world that can compare to that feeling of being aligned with God and feeling at peace with ourselves and with Him. 

But learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come. (Doctrine and Covenants 59:23)

I know that as we draw closer to God and allow our path to become one with His, He will fill our souls with His peace and joy and He will allow us to become the best version of ourselves that we could possibly be!!! 🙂 Trust in Him! The choice is always there for us. The more we align ourselves to Him the more at peace we will feel and life will be fully joyful without a need for anything that this earth can offer. Let’s align ourselves to God and be full of Joy! love you all and thank you for reading these weekly messages. Stay positive and do your best one day at a time! 🙂
Our Spiritual goal is to to align ourselves more to God, to let go of those things that are taking our path far from him and instead fund the ways in which our path can merge back into God’s path. 🙂
Our physical goal for the week is to not eat fatty or greasy foods this week! 😉 Let’s see how we do! and also remember the importance of exercise and how good it is for the body, mind and soul! our focus tonight in class will be to have a great workout to burn calories, we will dance, tone and also relax let go of things and have a wonderful meditation. I would love to see you there! The hardest thing is always showing up, but once you’re there, you’ll feel amazing!!! ??
Have a blessed and wonderful day! 

Think Positive

We are constantly choosing If we allow positive or negative thoughts to enter our minds. We also choose how long we allow these thoughts to stay with us and the influences that they will have on our bodies, minds and actions is also in our control. Everything within us and even what’s around us is a product of our thoughts. There’s a quote that says; ” Choose your thoughtts wisely for they are the energy that creates your life” We have more control of our thoughts than what we think. This is a daily test that we go through to see if we are able to master our thoughts and to control what tries to enter our minds. Here’s an important question that we can ask ourselves, How many of our thoughts are actually positive during our day? Are we feeling more negativity thoughts than positive ones? if we are, then we have to change this way of thinking for our own benefit. Since we already know that being positive leads to positive results, better health and overall peace and happiness. The way to do this is to catch ourselves thinking the negative thought, stoping it from going further within us and replacing it with a positive affirmation. A new thought that will create a positive influence within us… We basically turn those negative thoughts into positive ones. We have the power to do that! ??
We also want to let go of anything negative that we may say about ourselves and others. We are often too critical of ourselves, we may tell ourselves we’re not capable of doing things, not smart enough, not pretty enough, that we’ve gained too much weight or that don’t feel good about ourselves, and many other critical things about how we are etc. We have to realize that those are damaging thoughts and that we do have the power to change these thoughts. One way to do this is to be grateful for having all that we have… Even our own bodies that work. We can be thankful for the beauty that each ones of us has and embrace what God has given us on this earth. We can create positive thoughts to change those negative ones that are not useful but instead hurtful or destructive. And instead to replace them with words like YES! I CAN DO IT!” I AM BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE MYSELF! I LOVE TAKING GOOD CARE OF MY BODY, MY MIND AND MY SPIRIT! I LOVE WHO I AM BECOMING EACH DAY AND I CONTINUE TO DO MY BEST TO MOVE FORWARD IN THE DIRECTION THAT GOD WANTS FOR MY LIFE!!! ? Think about the way that these thoughts make you feel! isn’t amazing? It’s because they’re true statements! they really will lead our lives down a much happier, healthier and spiritual life than we have done in the past. God wants us to think positive! His intent is to have us be full of Joy in our lives! And we can create Joy even during our hardest times…A strong mind can do these things and overcome so much! ?
Believe in yourself and in what you’re capable of accomplishing! You have the power to do it because you are a daughter of God and with His help you can do anything!!! You have the power to change your world and how you react to what happens around you. You have the power to let go of things or hold on to them. You have the power to forgive others and see them in love as children of God who are also trying on this earth. You can be positive in all that you do. The choice to live this way is in each one of us. If we ask God in prayer to help us be more positive I know with all my heart that He is full of love and ready to provide us with what we need to better ourselves and our minds. Trust in Him and have full faith in what He’s capable of doing with your life. <3
Philippians 4:13 
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.☀
Our Spiritual Goal is to: Think positive!!! Whenever we notice a negative thought coming in wether it’s about ourselves or others, we will get rid of it by replacing it with the positive thought that goes against it! this will be a good exercise also to recognize how often our thoughts are actually positive! Just try it and see how you feel! even one day of positive thinking will make a huge difference and it may even become a anew habit for us! ?
Our physical goal is: To motivate ourselves to do something physically great for our bodies this week. Exercise helps in so many ways and our bodies crave it and need it! At least 2 to 3 days this week if we’re able to walk or do anything that feels good for ourselves. the key word is MOTIVATION!!! Just make it happen for yourself! and if you need motivation call me!!! lol 😉
If you are in need of relaxing and getting rid of stress, don’t let other things get in the way of you being able to do something great for yourself. The motivation has to come from each one of us! So, motivate yourself to come to class tonight for your benefit and for your health and your mind. We all need it and  we can do this together!!! 🙂 We will have an awesome workout to burn calories and our toning session as well. But at the end we will focus our meditation on stress relief and letting go of things that are slowing our progress. This will leave us feeling great for the whole rest of the week! Just make it happen for yourself and see how amazing you’ll feel! You can invite anyone else who would benefit as well.We do this because we love ourselves! Let’s do this together!!! See you tonight!!! ? & have a blessed and wonderful day!!! ?
Love you all!!
Lili ?

Gratitude = Happiness

We have all experienced feelings of gratitude this past week after the protection that we received from Hurricane Mathew. We know that God protected us from the difficulties that this storm could’ve brought. At the same time our hearts and prayers go out to those in other countries who lost everything they had and in some cases even their loved ones :(. Our strongest desire now, is to find ways to help them and to bring relief into their lives is any way we can. We all know that things like this could happen to any one of us at one point or another in our lives. Life is so fragile and things could always change in and instant…That’s why it is so important for us to have gratitude for every moment, every experience, every challenge or difficulty that can strengthen our souls and help to bring true happiness into our lives form having a thankful heart and a spirit that’s willing to serve and help other in their difficulties as well.

These experiences help us to simplify our lives and to let go of the distractions, resentments, materialistic and unimportant things that try to take over our lives. It’s also in these moments that we are reminded of the things that are really important, our loved ones, our relationship with God, our health and also the little things that we have, such as food, water, electricity etc…So many things that we take for granted constantly but which in reality are just some of our biggest blessings. ??

I also noticed with the experience of the hurricane, that these difficulties that we all have to confront together, unites us as communities and as people to have a strong desire to help our neighbors or anyone else who may be in need. It’s a feeling of empathy from everyone that brings renewal, cleansing and more love to our communities and to those around us. Our hearts are full of gratitude to God for all that He has and is constantly giving us. We never want to forget that ALL that we have comes from Him and that the biggest thing we can do to try to repay Him for all that we have, is to have a thankful heart. <3 & to have a strong desire to help others, so that we may be united even more as children of God ?

When we turn our hearts to God in gratitude for our blessings, our hearts will be filled with the peace of God.Which is the only true source of Happiness In this life.It’s in the gratitude that we find Happiness.

“And he who receiveth All things with thankfulness, shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto Him, even an hundred fold.” (D&C 78:19).

When our hearts are FULL of gratitude for everything that we have <3 We will experience not only the blessings that God has promised to the grateful?but also the peace and happiness that He can provide to those who are grateful.  
Here’s a great question to think about, Is our focus on what we lack? rather than on our own blessings that we have? 🙂 The Greek philosopher Epictetus said; ” He is only a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those things which he does have.?? 
Our spiritual goal for the week is not focus on what we lack but to instead be grateful for all that we have. There’s a quote that says; BE THANKFUL, THE GOOD OUTWEIGHS THE BAD. The goal is to do an exercise of gratitude each day…maybe while getting ready, or after praying, while driving or anything! the idea is to take a moment to be thankful for at least 5 to 10 things each day and to see how gratitude can change even the perspective of our day. 
Our physical goal for the week is to eat foods that are full of good healthy nutrition for our bodies, the winner is the one who eats the most fruits and vegetables! 😉 lol  
Unfortunately CLASS IS CANELLED TONIGHT!!! 🙁 Viera regional was a shelter during the hurricane and they still have people staying there. They’re also taking care of their facilities before opening it back up to all of us. 🙁 I’m so sad cause you guys know how therapeutic this is for us and how much I love it. If anyone has a big room to do it at, let me know and we’ll do it there! jk 😉 lol…I’ll miss you all! and I’ll see everyone next week! get ready cause it’s gonna be a good one! we’ve got some calories to burn! 🙂
Love you all, have a blessed and wonderful day! don’t forget to keep gratitude in your heart this week! ???

Rise Higher

We are surrounded by distractions, habits, people and things that may cloud our vision and slow our progress towards becoming the person that we are meant to be. Many of us are easily influenced by what others do or think, by what society accepts, and to “fit in” we may act, say or do things that are not pleasing to God’s eyes. :(…I can only imagine how he must feel when we go against what God has told us to do.
We are spiritual beings living in mortal bodies. We were given these precious temples to allow our spirits to live inside. We are in charge of how we take care of our bodies and most importantly of how we take care of our spirits. I always give the example in class of  imagining ourselves being on an airplane and how we rise up and begin to see the little houses, the cars, all of our possessions behind etc. It will be the same when we leave this earth, except for the fact that we will leave EVERYTHING! even out bodies! This is when we will really realize that the whole time on this earth we were supposed to take excellent care of our spirits! to lear to bridle our passions, feelings, emotions, and to become a little bit more like the incredible children of GOD that we are.

Letting go of the natural man, and focusing instead on our spiritual side: means that we know the things that are truly important. it means that we learn to say NO to our passions, our addictions and to what the world and others would want us to do. It becomes easy to say no because we know that would rather please GOD more than the rest of the world or even ourselves. There’s a scripture that talks about this and It says

For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child,submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father. (Mosiah 3:19)
And the other one reads:
And now, my son, all men that are in a state of nature, or I would say, in a carnal state, are in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity; they are without God in the world, and they have gone contrary to the nature of God; therefore, they are in a state contrary to the nature of happiness.(Alma 41:11)
We have a choice each day we can either choose to pamper and take care of spirit or to accept the enticings and passions of our natural man. The choice is ours, but the more that we practice feeding and taking care of our spirit the easier it will become to say NO to the things of the natural man. We will find true happiness this way knowing that we’re living the way that God intents us to do so and when we take care of our spirit this will also affect other areas of our life! we will have a desire to also take care of our bodies in a healthy way and to be service minded and kind to others. God is by our side ready to help us when we show him the full desire and intent to RISE UP in our lives and become the person that we are meant to become. ?
Our physical goal is to take care of our bodies in the healthiest way we can this week. eating good things, exercising and meditating.
Our Spiritual goal is to rise higher to control ourselves in the ways in which we know we need to change to come a little closer to God than we have been. 🙂 He will help us! <3
Can’t wait to see everyone tonight for an amazing class that will feel so good for our bodies and spirits! <3 Do it because you love yourself and want to do this for your health and spirit. Love you all and please stay safe during the hurricane! God bless you all!!! xoxox

See the Beauty

Last week we talked about pride and learned that part of being prideful is also being judgmental. We usually judge others according to what we see with our own physical eyes and through our own paradigm. The truth is, that we never really know what the other person is truly feeling or what situations they may be going through or have had to go through on their lives. When we judge others, this depletes our own energy!…And If we want to keep good, loving, positive energy within us, then we must learn to see others in a more loving way and with spiritual eyes instead of physical eyes, so that we may be able to see more clearly the inner beauty of that soul.
We are all children of God! All of us are here on this earth to learn, grow and develop. We’re here to gain experiences and to learn from the good and the bad…If we overcome these things correctly and with enough humility to change, these experiences can make us stronger and allow us to be able to return to live with God in His glory when He decides that it’s our time to leave this earth. It’s part of life, that we all make mistakes and have our different struggles to overcome. We are all trying to do our best according to what we know…And in some cases we may meet souls who are struggling with different situations or problems that may be deeper than ours. These are the times when our hearts need to be turned to others who may be in a more difficult situation than us and reach out to help them and to be a light for them during their times of need. We can help them to know where our strength comes from and to show them that God is the only one capable of providing the peace that every soul desires and needs.?
 As children of God, we are all spiritual brothers and sisters. We’re placed on this earth at this precise time in history to help each other, instead of judging or criticizing one another. We have to remember that we are a team! our goal is return to live with God after we grow from the experiences of this life…As a the team of children of God that we are, we need to encourage each other, to help one another to be positive and to reach for our highest good. So that we may be able to strive for our very best and to be able to return to God someday making Him proud of what we did for ourselves and for others during our time here. Our goal is to treat other with love, that they may see the light of God in our lives that we may treat them as we would want to be treated. And that we may see them with spiritual eyes and with the PURE love of God in our lives. ?

If we say that we love God, then we must love ALL of HIS creations!…That includes all of our brothers and sisters on his earth…If we don’t, then how can we say that we really love GOD?
James 4: 10-12 says: 

10. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
11. Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.

12. There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?
Wow! This scripture is amazing at teaching us that we are not the ones to Judge! If we judge, then we are actually breaking the law of GOD! James 4: 17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. All judgements must be left up to God who is the ultimate Judge….Of us, it is required to forgive all men! to let things go and to treat others as we ourselves would want to be treated. Everything else will be done in God’s wisdom, in His own judgement and timing. We must let go and let love come into our souls to see the good in the souls of others and to choose to have positive, peaceful thoughtts in our hearts…In the end, we are the ones who choose.
When I was thinking about how we can stop judging, I thought about the 4 things that can help us to heal.
#1 Is to Pray: God wants us to free our hearts from carrying those emotions with us. He wants to help us heal and if our desire and our faith in His power are real, then He will help us to heal and even turn our weaknesses into strengths.
#2 Is to use our eyes to see the Good in people!: ? Mathew 6: 22-23 says, The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!…We must see with our eyes all of the good in others so that inside us we may be full of light!!! Let’s use our eyes to see passed the physical and to see the pure soul that is inside each one of us. The person that God sees and the potential that He sees in all of us.
#3 is to bridle our tongues: ?and to control what comes out of our mouths. When we see the good in others, then our words will become positive. we can speak good of others instead of evil… and focus on using our tongues to uplift and to edify!!! 🙂
& #4 Take care of what is in our heart:? Our heart is the place where we will either hold on to things or let go! when we let go our heart feel light and peaceful! Everything depends on what we CHOOSE to keep or let go off but when we see the good in others we will begin to experiment a change in our hearts
James 3: 14-18 Says:
14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.

15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.
16 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.
17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

Let’s choose to allow our hearts to be full of peace, gentleness, mercy, and everything that comes from God and that is good for us! allowing the evil to leave our hearts and to not let the negativity slow or stop our progress. I know that if we use our eyes to see the good in others and our tongues to speak words that are kind, uplifting and peaceful then our heart will be fully changed and fully able to see with love how important it is to see the beauty of the inner souls of those around us. Once we choose to work on changing one of these, the rest will follow until we are full of the light of God inside us.? I hope that we can let this message touch our hearts deeply to have a strong desire to go past the judgements…To purify ourselves with God’s help and be filled with His love for others! To be able to reach with excitement a new height on our journey to reaching the potential that we have as sons and daughters of God 🙂 
I’m so thankful for all the messages that some of you send me! I’m thankful for your experiences and you don’t know how much I learn form you too and what an example you all are to me…Even if we don’t talk often, I want you to know that I’m thankful to have met each and every one of you. You’re all such an amazing example to me.Thank you for allowing me to be part of your journey. We’re all a team! And we’re ready to support and help each other. 
Our goal for the week is to See the beauty of each soul! to treat others as we would want to be treated. To check our eyes for what we’re seeing in others, our tongues for what we’re speaking and our hearts for what we have inside. To make it positive, peaceful, good and full of light. I know our hearts will feel lighter and pretty awesome! 🙂
Our physical goal for the week is exercise at least 2 days this week. thats the minimum 🙂 if you can do more that would be great! go for a walk or do something that feels good and it’s therapeutic. We’re also gonna focus on eating a few more veggies this week they’re so full of nutrition and goodness for our bodies! 🙂 Hope to see you tonight at 7:15! Class will have cardio, toning and meditation to leave us feeling renewed and amazing! I hope you can make it! and invite others to come benefit as well! It feels so good! Hope you can make it and not let things get in the way of doing something that is so good for yourself.??
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
Love always, 

Be Humble

It is beautiful when we can see in ourselves a need to change and to have more humility in our lives. When we can truly and fully admit to ourselves that we must let go of things that are making us proud and slowing our progress.
God knows that it’s part of our schooling on this earth to make mistakes, to see our faults, to learn from our experiences and to be taught from the good and the bad that we go through. The important thing is that we actually DO the work that is required for us to change.
When we are humble, we are more teachable, we have a stronger desire to better ourselves, to care more about others than ourselves, to stop judging and to realize that God is the only one who knows what is truly in the hearts of those around us. When we are TRULY humble, we are willing to submit ourselves to God’s will and to change our opinions to agree with God’s opinion. How often do we do that? Are we really willing to change our opinions to agree with God???…The one who actually knows EVERYTHING! And who is full of wisdom, knowledge and all goodness?….Or, are we letting the world and their opinions get into our hearts and minds making us less willing to change our will to agree God’s?…or are we more worried about people’s judgments and what they will think, rather than be worried about God’s judgements?…That’s when we decide how humble or willing we are to make those true changes in our lives.
We know that the opposite of humility is pride and the proud always wish that God would agree with them. C. S Lewis wrote, “Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man.” Ezra Taft Benson also taught, The proud make every man their adversary by pitting their intellects, opinions, works, wealth, talents, or any other worldly measuring device against others….It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest. Once the element of competition has gone, pride has gone.”
If our desire is to truly get rid of pride and to be more humble, then we must be willing to put it the effort to change. God will never leave us trying without helping us…On the contrary, when He can see that in our hearts we have the desire to change, He will help us and strengthen us to get through the difficulties and still gain valuable lessons for our lives. We must pray for help and forgiveness during our moments of pride. We can also  ask God to cleanse our hearts from all that is negative and to help us be more willing to give of ourselves more deeply in humility to His will.
Neal A. Maxwell said;

“The defining characteristic of humility is the submission of our will to God’s will. “The submission of one’s will is really the only uniquely personal thing we have to place on God’s altar, “The many other things we ‘give’ .… are actually the things He has already given or loaned to us. However, when you and I finally submit ourselves, by letting our individual wills be swallowed up in God’s will, then we are really giving something to Him! It is the only possession which is truly ours to give!” ? Humility is not a sign of weakness, it is just the opposite. It shows that we know our strength comes from God.

Matthew 18:1, 4 says; Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”…“Whosoever … shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven” In this scripture we can see that greatness does not only come because of strength and power; true greatness requires humility.
I hope that we can all keep this message in our hearts and have a strong desire to give our wills to God”s and to be more humble, more loving, more caring and forgiving.
Humility is an amazing Godly quality that is already exists in us as children of God! We just have to continue to peel off those layers of pride and continue working on reaching deeper levels of humility. By doing so, we will be better able to remain attached to God for help during those difficult times in our lives when we have to say..”Thy will be done.” <3
I would like to share this wonderful song that a beautiful and inspired friend of mine sent me!…I hope you all know how thankful I am to have each and every one of you in my life! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me and for reading these little messages.  I hope you can hear it and feel what those beautiful words mean… ?

Thy will be done.

Our spiritual goes for the week is to be humble <3 🙂 
& our physical goal for the week is to slow down on sugary drinks and to drink more water instead. 😉 Also don’t forget that class is on tonight!!! The hardest thing is always showing up! lol But I promise that once you’re there, I’ll take care of the rest to motivate yo,  to push you and to help you to do something amazing for yourself today! you’ll feel great after class! and you’ll love knowing that you did something so good for yourself. <3 I always wish everyone could feel what we feel :)…Just remember, take it one day at a time! 🙂 Love you all and hope to see you tonight at 7 Have a blessed and wonderful week, stay humble, positive and happy and share that with those around you! ??
Lili ?

Our Thoughts

What kind of messages are we allowing to enter into our minds? Are they positive? Are they negative? Are they uplifting and inspiring? Are they thoughts that help us move closer to our goals or the desires that God wants for our lives? Our thoughts will determine what our future will bring.
Most of the time we don’t ask ourselves these questions, we just continue on day to day letting the thoughts run through our minds in all kinds of directions without paying much attention to the influences and the energies that our thoughts can carry. We don’t really think about the effects that they can have on our emotions, choices and habits. When we are not conscious about filtering what we should be thinking, reading, listening to and watching, we can become easily influenced and tossed by the waves and storms of our minds. We need to be able to take control of our minds of what we will allow ourselves to think about and also to be able to control what will delete fully from our mind [crt, alt delete]  and let go off completely!…ultimately, WE CHOOSE FOR OURSELVES!!!
Mahatma Ghandi said;
I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. 
We must do the same for our minds, we shouldn’t allow our own negativity or the negativity of others to enter our minds and walk through it with their dirty feet!…The dirt of gossiping, bitterness, jealousy, competition, resentment, or the seemingly unimportant “dirt” that can be presented in TV, media, movies, internet, music, and those things that surround us constantly and that try to take over our mind, to steal our precious time and to distract us by filling our minds with things that are filthy, unnecessary and that take us away from the type of person that we should be striving to become. Instead we should replace those activities or thoughts with uplifting messages that will carry us higher and higher in our daily lives. Which will allow us to come to our goals, closer to God, closer to the person that we desire to be and that God would be proud of having as one of His sons or daughters on this earth… He is our example and we try to be like Him! We strive to keep our minds clean as HE would, to take care of what we allow to enter into our thoughts and minds and to be able to have positive uplifting thoughts and to be able to repel completely all that is negative, damaging, or hurtful to our minds, bodies and spirits.
I heard a beautiful saying that says, TIME AND THOUGHTS, USE IT IN THE RIGHT WAY AND YOU WILL FLY!!! ??
What that means to me, is that we stop wasting time on thoughts that make us heavy and don’t help  us to fly! Those heavy thoughts are what I mentioned above, ( bitterness, jealousy, comparison, competition, disappointments, anger etc) anything negative towards another person is a heavy thought!! We must let go of the negative feelings towards others and also any negative things that we may be saying about ourselves as well…By letting go if these things in our lives for our own good, we will begin to trust God more deeply and trust in His infinite wisdom to take care of EVERYTHING in our lives that may not feel right to “us”…And instead we will trust Him enough to leave it all in His hands. To make a promise to God, that from now on we will focus on all of the GOOD  that is around us and allow that to enter our minds and let go of the negative. Only after doing, this is when we will be able to fly!!! Some say that angels can fly because they take themselves so lightly ? The truth is that within us we all that power to become like angels! Only when we keep ourselves light will we be able to take care of others and to be an actual angel in the lives of many!!! 🙂 We can let go of so much heaviness and become angels here on earth for those who need us! God has a plan for all of us, it is no accident that we are here at this time and it is no accident that we are learning about this together right now, these words are to help us all to push ourselves to do better than yesterday, to do our very best one day at a time with our choices and what we allow in out minds and to be able to be a light for our own selves and for other around us. ?
I know that God loves us! We really are beautifully created out of divinity…Sons and daughters of God!!! He wants to see us to be happy! He worries about our difficulties and hard times…But He also knows that we can overcome them and wants us to get through our difficult times and afflictions with HIS help. <3 He wants us to know that we can take control of our lives and stop wasting time on unnecessary, negative, yucky or heavy thoughts or things that don’t allow us to continue forward and to progress!!!.Instead He wants us to fill our minds, hearts and souls with goodness!!! All the good that is around us, to fill ourselves with peace towards ourselves and others and to have clarity to choose to be lighter in what we carry within us. To carry only what is good, healing, positive and peaceful and be able to be that light or an angel in the lives of those whom God will bring into our lives. There is no limit to our potential! And we can do all things with God on our side. <3 🙂 Lets do this!!! ??
I would love to leave this message in our hearts by sharing one last scripture,
Philippians 4:8

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are TRUE, 

whatsoever things are HONEST, 
whatsoever things are JUST, 
whatsoever things are PURE, 
whatsoever things are LOVELY,
whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT,
if there be any VIRTUE, 
and if there be any PRAISE,

Our spiritual goal for the week is: To keep our thoughts clean, good, positive and light, we have the power to let go of things, to fill our minds and spirits with goodness and to find the joy and happiness that comes from that. The goal is to  wake up each morning and before looking at social media at the news or anything…the goal is to spend a few minutes reading something uplifting! before allowing any other thoughts to enter our minds we will begin our mornings with something positive and try to see what a difference it makes in the way that we feel! ??
Our physical goal for the week is: To do some kind of physical activity that will help us to relieve stress, anxiety etc…This can be a walk, swimming, weight lifting, or anything that will be good for our bodies as well as our minds. at least 3 times this week would be ideal! 🙂
Tonight we will be able to do that! to get rid of stress! have an awesome workout, burn some calories, tone and end with a wonderful relaxing meditation. It’s gonna feel so great! can’t wait to see whoever is meant to be there tonight! 🙂 <3….If you remember to bring your light weights, that would be great too 🙂 Have a blessed and wonderful day and rest of the week and hopefully we can all do an amazing Job at keeping our minds light. positive and full of goodness to be able to use our time wisely and be abel to fly this week and become an angel to our friends and family around us. ?
With love,