With all the things that surrounds us in the world It’s easy for us to get down on ourselves, to let insecurities, thoughts and negativity enter our lives and affect us a lot more than we would want. The world is constantly telling us that we’re not good enough, that we’re not pretty enough, that our bodies need to look a certain way, or that we need to think, act and try to “fit in” with what everyone else is doing. It tries to tell us that we should be vain, shallow, and constantly focused on recognition, popularity and on what others think about us etc.
These are all lies and tactics that the devil uses to attack us! He is out to destroy ALL OF US! We are the children of God and we are a threat to him. his goal is to keep us fully distracted on shallow, empty things that will take our time and weaken our energy to make us feel miserable like himself. He wants to keep us away from focusing our energies on the things that are good for us and on what matters most every single day!…eventually damaging our relationship with God and weakening, hurting, destroying our self image and faith in any possible way. The adversary will do anything to stop our progress toward God or anything good in our lives…he is fully aware of our capacity, potential and power that we could obtain as children of Godl!!! 

When we’re having thoughts, feelings or emotions that are not allowing us to feel the love and peaceful positive energy from God. There are a few things we can do to feel his love for us! It’s all about how we CHOOSE to react to the situation.
We can use the power of prayer to get rid of the negative feelings we are having…the more we believe In God and his power the more he will show us!…..FAITH is key! 
We can read the words of God which are available to all of us for our benefit. To teach, instruct and help us with the challenges of life.
We can do and exercise of gratitude to be thankful for ALL of our blessings! From our bodies, to our food to everything that surrounds us…Gratitude heals and allows the spirit of God to come into our lives 
We can also do service or help someone who needs us. If we’re ever feeling down, negative etc…giving SERVICE to someone In need will also heal our hearts…We just have to actually do it and see how wonderful it is for us and for those we are able to help. Service is the best medicine to stop thinking about ourselves and our emotions and start thinking about someone who needs help more than us. The one giving the service always gain so much more 
And finally, this is specially when we’re struggling with self image or when thoughts that we’re not good enough want to creep into our minds and hearts… We already know where they come from. So, have to be strong!… and fully STOP ourselves from thinking in these destructive ways…it won’t lead to anything good! So knowing that, we have to apologize to ourselves for thinking this way and instead we can be thankful for the purpose that our body serves!! For the fact that we’re healthy, that we have another day or chance to be here on this earth today!!! We realize that each body part serves a purpose and that our bodies are the perfect creation of GOD!!! We love what God has given us, entrusted us to care for and we do our very best.
He obviously sees us so differently than the way we see ourselves…Can we try to look at ourselves through HIS EYES?…. With the infinite and indescribably LOVE that God has for us as HIS Sons and daughters? He looks at us with kindness, with a tender loving heart, He sees our beauty! most importantly the beauty that really matters…our internal beauty. He sees our hearts, who we are inside and out. To Him, we are his most beautiful creation!!! And the one that can teach great heights In His eyes!
️ He is full of LOVE for us! And it has nothing to do with how we look, how much money we have, how we dress or how many degrees or how popular we are…its much more deeper than that.
We want to live a life that is full of joy and happiness as much as we can control. That is why we have to kick all that negativity out of our lives and really focus on all the beauty and positive things that surrounds us. We have a lot more control than what we think…and if that means we have to stay away from anything or anyone that drains our good energy or causes a negative or evil feeling to come close to us or to affect our minds and hearts, then we do it and it will feel great! We already know how to fight against the negativity that tries to get to us…We have to remember that we have the power of God on our side and the access He has given us to prayer!

If we truly believe in God He will rescue us and help us get though anything!!! So, when we’re weak, He makes us strong! When we doubt, He gives us security, comfort and assurance that we’re doing what’s right. <3
At the end of our lives, when we leave this earth regardless of what happens…We will face God. The most important thing we can do on this earth is to please HIM!!! to align ourselves to HIM! Our Father in Heaven who loves us deeply and infinitely….even when our eyes can’t see it!….We’re here to please GOD and no one else! We don’t fear GOD more than men….And we know that when we are at peace with God, that’s what really brings TRUE PEACE, HAPPINESS, LOVE AND SECURITY to our lives.

Our Spiritual goal for the week is to see ourselves though Gods eyes and not through the eyes of the world. Whenever you notice negative thoughts about yourself and others. Stop yourself and see yourself and ohers through the eyes of God. (this is a hard goal but its totally doable and we can do it!!!)

*** Our Physical goal for the week is to choose ONE healthy thing to do for ourselves each day of the week. (choose a healthy meal, walk, meditate, drink more water, let go of one bad food etc only ONE each day 🙂
I Hope you all have a blessed and wonderful day and that we can all see each other tonight in class to take care of ourselves the best way we can! see you at 7:15 🙂
Do your best an be your best!!!
Love Always,