Keep Trying

Each day we arise from our beds, we are given new opportunities to choose to do better than yesterday, to aim for our goals and to try to accomplish all that is good for our lives.

Unfortunately, there may be times when we can feel a little discouraged and wonder if we’re doing enough, if we’re making a difference or falling short of the person we are trying to become. We may feel disappointed at the fact that things sometimes don’t go as we wish or plan and we may even wonder is our prayers are even being heard…But, these thoughts can be harmful to us, creating feelings In us that cause us to be doubtful, feel sad, frustrated, impatient, and unhappy.

When we allow these emotions to enter our minds, it is so important for us to stop ❌  the negative thoughts form becoming worse as soon as we notice them! And instead, we must remind ourselves that these feelings don’t come from God!!! But from the adversary who wants us to be miserable like he is!…The longer that we allow those kinds of negative thoughts to stay in our minds the more they will slow down our progress and not allow us to continue forward with strength focusing on those things that will bring us ultimate joy. ?
We have to remind ourselves that God is the creator of LOVE!!! He loves us deeply and individually because we are His children!!! ? At times we may not always behave our best :/…but as long as we are trying….He will be happy with all the good that we do! The most important thing to Him is that WE KEEP TRYING!!! That we don’t give up on doing what is right and that we move forward with joy in our lives. 🙂 He sees all the wonderful things that we do daily and wants us to grow on this journey little by little, one day at a time developing wisdom and knowledge and trusting Him always along our way.  He reminds us that material things and other things in this world are really not important….But that what really matters most, is what is in our soul and our relationship with God…<3 He wants us to know that every moment of sadness and discouragement does matter to Him! And during those moments is when He wants us to come to Him in prayer, to talk to Him, to share our joys, and our difficulties with Him and to search for His strength to overcome and do better with His help. I know He will provide us with His peace, with energy and power that we need to continue to move forward and to do all that is right and beautiful in His eyes. ?
I like to think of Him as if He was the sun in our lives, ☀ He shines constantly, and His light covers the whole world!!! but it is always UP TO EACH ONE OF US to face Him! It is up to us, how we use the light properly in our lives and in a way that will be for our good and benefit. Some may choose to close the blinds and hide or turn away form the light, closing everything to stay in the darkness even though the sun may be out…others will choose to let the light become fuller and fuller in their lives, until it covers all that they are and all that they have…Basically, we control how much light we want to receive and what we want to do with the power from the “sunlight” of God. The light will give us a lot more power and it will allow us to continue forward towards the potential that God has prepared for each one of us! The most important thing is that we keep trying! we can do it!!! 🙂
Our spiritual goal for the week is to remind ourselves each day that God loves us for trying our best! and to continue to fill our lives with His light! ?

Our physical goal for the week is to exercise at least 3 day this week! 😉 If you guys are planing on coming to class tonight, that will be one less to do! lol but push yourself to do your best and if you need me, I’m here to support you!?
I can’t wait to see everyone tonight! we’re gonna have a wonderful time together and its always the most therapeutic thing of my week! I love you all and i’m here for you! thank you for reading these little messages that I send out every week! I really do it with all my heart and I pray that they will help us always! Have a blessed and wonderful day!!!?
Lili ?

Letting the Good win

There are times when we focus too much on the negative and often forget to think about all the good that’s around us. We sometimes even allow events to create negative emotions in us that can often overpower the good and cause us to feel uneasy and uncomfortable. But this is a good question to think about; How often are we allowing the negative to win in us? :(…Lets think about how we feel when we are negative. It is draining, stressful, exhausting and for anybody that’s around us when we’re negative, its really not fun to be around. :/ We have to remind ourselves that the cycle of negativity does’t do us any good! if anything, it will only bring worse things into our lives. It will affect ourselves, our relationships, our opportunities and even our health! we can’t allow it to take control of us. But instead we must control it, remove it quickly and let it go out of our lives as soon as we notice…Because we care about ourselves and have no desire to bringing more negativity into our lives at all.
On the other hand, notice what a huge difference it makes in the life of someone if they just CHOOSE to change that negative situation or mentality into a POSITIVE ONE?!!! to choose more joy in our lives!! and allow the GOOD to win in our hearts! ? We will notice that we will feel better about ourselves, our relationships will improve, our opportunities will be greater, others will want to be around us, and our health will be totally different too! We will be able to enjoy all the positive results and the effects that come from focusing on having only the GOOD or POSITIVE in our hearts. No matter the circumstance, it can always be changed into a positive experience. No matter what we go through, we have full control of our minds and thoughts to choose happiness and to choose Joy!…at the end of it all, WE CHOOSE what we want!!! <3 But we know that if we try to find joy in our days, it will bring joy into our lives, and into our future! it will bring peace, tranquility, happiness and a sense of trust in God! Knowing that everything will be ok!✨? The results from begin to be POSITIVE will change our ENTIRE WORLD!!! ?

So, this week our focus is to be fully in charge of our own happiness! ? It is not controlled by someone else or by what happens or what others do, or say etc… It is fully controlled by us! And we decide to CHOOSE THE POSITIVE!!! We choose the good! We choose what will bring us peace, joy, good health, clarity and all that is good into our lives & hearts.? Let’s do our best this week to notice exactly what we’re keeping in our hearts and focusing on letting the good win for ourselves!!! 🙂 letting go of negativity will free us and allow some amazing positive things to come into our lives. God wants us to be joyful and happy In our lives, He is the giver of ALL good and when we have Him by our side and trust Him, He will provide more than we can imagine. ?

Our physical goal for the week is to lower our sugar intake.:/ I know it’s a tough one, but sugar can be so harmful to us not just physically but mentally. It can be supper addicting and its good to cut back to improve our health and how it makes us feel. We can do it! and if you need help, call me, text me, or email me! We’re all in this together! <3 🙂

Can’t wait to see you guys tonight @7:15 for a wonderful class that will definitely help us release stress, get rid of negativity and fill our lives with positivity and a peaceful mental attitude that will help us to better ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually! ? hope you can make it! ? have a wonderful joyful day! & Remember to keep your week positive and to choose happiness! …You are all a huge blessing in my life! ?

Love you all!
Lili ?

Choose to be Positive

How often are we choosing our thoughts carefully? How often do we change our negative thoughts into positive ones? Studies have shown that unfortunately most of our thoughts tend to be negative, creating feelings of doubt, fear, discouragement, anger and many others. Sadly, those negative thoughts or emotions when not controlled, can take over our minds and hearts sometimes even spiraling out of control and causing us to be stressed, become ill, loose relationships, and most importantly destroy our inner peace.

We have the ability to CHOOSE how we will react to EVERY situation and how our thoughts will influence our outcomes, wether for bad or good in our lives… The choice is ours. 🙂 The key is to exercise this daily in our lives and to practice and continue practicing every time we acknowledge the negative thought. We want to remember that we always have two choices in our situations, we can either choose what will affect us negatively or choose what will affects us positively.

When a negative thought comes into our minds, we have to hit the Ctr, Alt, Delete button and throw it away completely! These thoughts serve no positive purpose In our lives, but instead they create anger, anxiety, stress etc…We don’t need to torture ourselves with all that negativity. But Instead, we should delete for our minds, replace the thought with a positive one and continue to repeat that until we begin to feel calm, at peace and joyful. We can also help ourselves by choosing to surround our lives with as many positive things as we can! things that will bring peace, tranquility and joy into our heart, mind and soul. <3

All that is good comes from God. We will be blessed for wanting and constantly trying to be positive In all things. God put us on this earth to have joy, to fill our lives with peace and light for us to be able to help ourselves as well as those around us. We are here to choose only the best from our life and our experiences to grow little by little in wisdom and knowledge by doing positive things that will fill our lives with joy, peace each day.

He wants to help us in our search for peace and happiness! By focusing on Him and letting go of the little things of this world we will be lifted to a higher place to be able to cope with all things and find the good even in the hardest of times…He will provide peace! Even more than we can imagine.

He tells us;
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.
Not as the world giveth, give I unto you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)

Trust Him! & see how much He can do for you! ?

Our spiritual goal for the week is to focus on having positive thoughts & Changing the negative ones for good ones. We have to remind ourselves when the negative thought comes that we have chosen to be positive! And we will change it for our good!!! ? Practice makes perfect 🙂
Our physical goal for the week is have a healthy breakfast every day this week. Adding protein, fruits and veggies would be great! Or just having a healthy smoothie would be a great way to start the day too. Having a healthy breakfast will kick start the day hopefully help us to stay focused on eating healthier during the rest of the day.

Hope to see you tonight In class for a great workout, toning and meditation. Tonight we will learn a nice quick meditation for bringing peace into our lives! ?✨ hope you can make it and invite your loved ones to benefit from it as well. Love you all and I’m here for you always!

Lili ?

Live in the Present

It’s so great to be reminded of this! It helps us to realize that there really is nothing we can do about what happened yesterday or what will happen tomorrow…but that our real focus should be on what we can do today!!! Have you noticed that unfortunately most of our thoughts and conversations involve what happened in the past? Ex; our experiences, what she said…what he did…what happened etc. Or, we also tend to think about the future and what will happen, what if this happens…what if that happens etc….when in reality, we really don’t know what tomorrow will bring or what we will actually experience. Unfortunately, our days pass and we realize that we spent our entire day or time thinking about all of those things that we can’t do anything about! 🙁 We see how much of our precious time is actually being wasted on thoughts and energy that has either been time that had already past or time that hasn’t even come into our lives yet.

The worst thing is that we allow these thoughts to become stressors in our lives and to affect us to the point that in some cases they can lead to illness from stress, broken relationships etc.. Maybe even today we’ve already had a few negative thoughts that are stressing us out….But is that good for us? Some thoughts are not even reality, as hard as that is to believe…They may be things we assume or that we make up in our minds to turn a situation into a much bigger deal than it actually is, was, or could be. And we allow these thoughts to fully create stress in us…even when they’re not real! Isn’t that crazy?!?!? Our minds are so powerful! It is so important that we really need to learn to MASTER OUR THOUGHTS.
To be positive, focused on the good in all situations, because even from the worst situation we can learn something good from it! We must focus on all that will be good to our life, for our learning and benefit.
The most important thing is that we focus on today! this is it! reality is HERE and NOW! This precise moment! 🙂 Not on Facebook, not on social media, not on our phones…that is not reality!!! Instead, sadly most of those things are DISTRACTING US FROM REALITY and what’s really important. Real life is here and now, wherever you are now reading this! sitting, standing, whatever…This is the moment. This is the gift that we have, to breathe at this precise time and to choose what to do with our time, thoughts and our energy in this very moment. This is the time to focus on accomplishing our goals FOR THIS DAY ONLY!!!! and to be present and fully enjoy what we have, our health, our daily blessings, all the nature that is around us, the faces of our loved ones, being able to really listen and  focus on the important people in our lives, giving service and enjoying the simple things that we see, taste, touch and smell that are sadly constantly taken for granted yet, they are there for us to enjoy. This is the time! the only time when we actually have FULL CONTROL OVER WHAT WE WANT TO THINK ABOUT, TO DO AND TO ACCOMPLISH. So, lets make it POSITIVE for ourselves and remember to always,
?Learn the good lessons from the past.
?Prepare for the future but don’t dwell on it.
? & Fully Live today as if it was your last day! focus on what we would want to remember! and be grateful for the simple and small things that we have.
We must enjoy this gift from God who is allowing us to be here today! How blessed and grateful we are to have ONE MORE DAY HERE!!! <3 …Lets make each and every day as wonderful as we can! Enjoying the moment that we are given and trying our hardest to use our thoughts and energy in the most positive way for our lives and for those around us, focusing on using our time wisely, positively and to fulfill the purposes that God has for us to accomplish here in this earth.
Our Spiritual goal for the week is to be more present, to live, enjoy and think about TODAY and the time that we actually have control over. so, when we feel a negative thought, emotion etc…remind ourselves that this is the time that we can control and change our emotions! to have a positive influence on our health, spirit and and well being. We can control more than we think. 🙂
Our physical goal is to eat more times during the day, but make those healthier meals that will keep you satisfied 🙂
Hope to see you tonight at 7:15 to get rid of anything negative to enjoy our present and to have an awesome workout and meditation session! <3 can’t wait!!!
Lili ?

Let go of Fear

The storms of our lives may sometimes bring strong waves, winds and darkness that at times can bring fear into our hearts…but  in moments like these is when we need to close our eyes, breathe deeply and remember that we need to be stronger than our fear. We need to have greater Faith In the power that God has to help us, to lead us, to guide us and to provide peace during our hardest times.? When we remember Him and come to him with a full heart in prayer. He will ALWAYS hear us! and It’s in His nature to want to help us. Even if the difficulty isn’t fully taken away form us, He will still be by our side to provide us with peace and comfort to make it through. ✨

As we grow up and start to mature in life we realize little by little that we really can’t make it alone. And we can’t do everything on our own. We realize that we really do depend on God for so a lot more than we think and we realize that at the end of it all, He really is the provider of everything that we have. Knowing this, We begin to see that the most beautiful thing we can do for God is to show Him that we’re grateful for all He has given us. We want to prove to Him and show Him that we fully 100% trust in His divine power, guidance and wisdom for our lives. And that during the strongest storms of our lives, we can let go of the fear completely and begin to trust and know that just like He provides for the animals, the plants etc..He will provide for us. He will help us! specially when we do our VERY BEST TO PLEASE HIM DAY BY DAY…not trying to please anyone else…But living the way GOD would want to see us living each day of our lives. We learn that when we live this way, It will bring true peace and joy, eventually calming the winds and the waves that are affecting us..He says Peace, Be still.

God will never let go of us, specially when we need Him. His peace will come and we will feel His love. When we do our best for God we have to trust that He will provide the same or even greater for us his children who love him and want to please Him in all things. He loves us and will help us. And just as He knows the end from the beginning of all things…He knows exactly how to help us and how to bring our souls peace during the difficult times of our lives. We must Trust Him always and know that all things will work out for our good! 🙂 ?✨

The spiritual goal for this week is to let go of fear and to trust more!!! Specially If we’re going through hard times. The goal is to come closer to God to receive His peace and guidance during this time. He will provide exactly what we need when we trust Him! So, let’s do it! ?

The physical goal for the week is to slow down on the carbs a little and to try to replace them with healthier foods. Just try it for a week and see if you feel a little more energy and stuff 🙂

See you tonight for an awesome therapy and workout session! Can’t wait to get rid of stress and relax! We all need it! Don’t forget that if you bring a friend who has never been to class before, your class is free!!!..Do something great for yourself! Hope to see you tonight!!! ???

Do your best and remember, it’s one day at a time!
Love always,
Lili ?xoxo

Through His Eyes

With all the things that surrounds us in the world It’s easy for us to get down on ourselves, to let insecurities, thoughts and negativity enter our lives and affect us a lot more than we would want. The world is constantly telling us that we’re not good enough, that we’re not pretty enough, that our bodies need to look a certain way, or that we need to think, act and try to “fit in” with what everyone else is doing. It tries to tell us that we should be vain, shallow, and constantly focused on recognition, popularity and on what others think about us etc.

These are all lies and tactics that the devil uses to attack us! He is out to destroy ALL OF US! We are the children of God and we are a threat to him. his goal is to keep us fully distracted on shallow, empty things that will take our time and weaken our energy to make us feel miserable like himself. He wants to keep us away from focusing our energies on the things that are good for us and on what matters most every single day!…eventually damaging our relationship with God and weakening, hurting, destroying our self image and faith in any possible way. The adversary will do anything to stop our progress toward God or anything good in our lives…he is fully aware of our capacity, potential and power that we could obtain as children of Godl!!! ?✨

When we’re having thoughts, feelings or emotions that are not allowing us to feel the love and peaceful positive energy from God. There are a few things we can do to feel his love for us! It’s all about how we CHOOSE to react to the situation.

✨We can use the power of prayer to get rid of the negative feelings we are having…the more we believe In God and his power the more he will show us!…..FAITH is key! ?

✨We can read the words of God which are available to all of us for our benefit. To teach, instruct and help us with the challenges of life.?

✨ We can do and exercise of gratitude to be thankful for ALL of our blessings! From our bodies, to our food to everything that surrounds us…Gratitude heals and allows the spirit of God to come into our lives ?

✨We can also do service or help someone who needs us. If we’re ever feeling down, negative etc…giving SERVICE to someone In need will also heal our hearts…We just have to actually do it and see how wonderful it is for us and for those we are able to help. Service is the best medicine to stop thinking about ourselves and our emotions and start thinking about someone who needs help more than us. The one giving the service always gain so much more ?

✨ And finally, this is specially when we’re struggling with self image or when thoughts that we’re not good enough want to creep into our minds and hearts… We already know where they come from. So, have to be strong!… and fully STOP ourselves from thinking in these destructive ways…it won’t lead to anything good! So knowing that, we have to apologize to ourselves for thinking this way and instead we can be thankful for the purpose that our body serves!! For the fact that we’re healthy, that we have another day or chance to be here on this earth today!!! We realize that each body part serves a purpose and that our bodies are the perfect creation of GOD!!! We love what God has given us, entrusted us to care for and we do our very best.

He obviously sees us so differently than the way we see ourselves…Can we try to look at ourselves through HIS EYES?…. With the infinite and indescribably LOVE that God has for us as HIS Sons and daughters? He looks at us with kindness, with a tender loving heart, He sees our beauty! most importantly the beauty that really matters…our internal beauty. He sees our hearts, who we are inside and out. To Him, we are his most beautiful creation!!! And the one that can teach great heights In His eyes! ☀️ He is full of LOVE for us! And it has nothing to do with how we look, how much money we have, how we dress or how many degrees or how popular we are…its much more deeper than that.

We want to live a life that is full of joy and happiness as much as we can control. That is why we have to kick all that negativity out of our lives and really focus on all the beauty and positive things that surrounds us. We have a lot more control than what we think…and if that means we have to stay away from anything or anyone that drains our good energy or causes a negative or evil feeling to come close to us or to affect our minds and hearts, then we do it and it will feel great! We already know how to fight against the negativity that tries to get to us…We have to remember that we have the power of God on our side and the access He has given us to prayer! ? If we truly believe in God He will rescue us and help us get though anything!!! So, when we’re weak, He makes us strong! When we doubt, He gives us security, comfort and assurance that we’re doing what’s right. <3

At the end of our lives, when we leave this earth regardless of what happens…We will face God. The most important thing we can do on this earth is to please HIM!!! to align ourselves to HIM! Our Father in Heaven who loves us deeply and infinitely….even when our eyes can’t see it!….We’re here to please GOD and no one else! We don’t fear GOD more than men….And we know that when we are at peace with God, that’s what really brings TRUE PEACE, HAPPINESS, LOVE AND SECURITY to our lives. ?
***Our Spiritual goal for the week is to see ourselves though Gods eyes and not through the eyes of the world. Whenever you notice negative thoughts about yourself and others. Stop yourself and see yourself and ohers through the eyes of God. (this is a hard goal but its totally doable and we can do it!!!)  ?
 *** Our Physical goal for the week is to choose ONE healthy thing to do for ourselves each day of the week. (choose a healthy meal, walk, meditate, drink more water, let go of one bad food etc only ONE each day 🙂
I Hope you all have a blessed and wonderful day and  that we can all see each other tonight in class to take care of ourselves the best way we can! see you at 7:15 🙂
Do your best an be your best!!!
Love Always,
Lili ?

God’s Hand

We all experience difficult times and challenges in our lives…They are part of the experiences we have to go through in this life to strengthen us, shape our characters and to prepare us for even greater blessings that God has for us. When we overcome our challenges by holding on to Gods hand, trusting Him and believing in His divine wisdom and power to help us get though..we will see that all things do work out for our good, and that during the hardest times as well as the good times God is there all along and even closer to us than we think. ?
> By being observant, we will be able to see the hand of God in our lives daily! We will see how present He really is in smallest details as well as the bigger more obvious things; like being protected from an accident, illness, etc…His hand is with us way more than we realize…the key is to be able to see it, recognize it and be thankful for all we receive :)…God loves us and with His help we can do and overcome ANYTHING!!! <3
> Our spiritual goal for the week is to look for the hand of God in our lives Daily!!! It can be anything, anywhere, or even experiences and people we talk to or meet…We are all each others angels on this earth and sometimes the answers to our prayers comes from those around us…God really does care about each one of us individually! <3 Once we recognize and see His hand in our lives each day, we can thank Him for allowing us to receive so much more than what we deserve….<3 The exercise is to write down how we see the hand of GOD TODAY in our lives <3 We will see how awesome that is for us to actually write them down and see how much we really do receive in just one day! <3 lets try it for just one week!Our physical goal for this week is to snack healthy!!!
Choose the best snacks with the most nutrition and the least
ingredients wins! 😉 Ex, an apple is just one ingredient, healthy and
super good for us…fruits, veggies etc…We know what to choose. We just
have to take it one day at a time and make it happen.Hope you can make it to class tonight to have an awesome time together getting rid
of stress, burning calories, toning, relaxing and meditating! These
are all things that are SO good for us!!! <3…This class teaches us
that we are more than our bodies and that we really do LOVE ourselves
inside and out and want to surround ourselves with positive, healthy
and good habits that will be the best for our body, mind and spirit ?Do your best, and be your best!

you are all a huge blessing to me and i’m so thankful to have you in my life <3
Lili ?

Live Today!

Our lives are filled with things to do, places to be, goals to accomplish and so much more. We tend to to go through life focusing sometimes too much on the future or remembering the past and not really allowing ourselves to enjoy the moment and the gift that we have TODAY!

God gives us each day…a new chance for us to take it all in, to do our very best. He wants us to enjoy the sunrise, to breathe, to feel the sun on our faces and to enjoy the beauty of the nature that around us and to stop the distractions that are constantly trying to steal our attention from those we love the most.

These are the chances that we revive daily. We have to take things one day at a time!!! focusing on doing our best today and really living, feeling and enjoying the moment.

? Our spiritual goal for this week is to live in the present and to enjoy the moments we have today!..One day at a time. The exercise for is is to let go of distractions like (TV, phone, etc) and replace it with family time or connecting to a loved one or spending time in nature. Anything that helps us focus on the present! That’s what we want ??

?Our physical goal for this week is to drink more water! Let’s try it! Water is so beneficial to us!..We all know that! 😉 Set a goal for yourself and make it happen! ?? we can do it!!!

Hope you can make it to class tonight and to be able to strengthen yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually. You’ll feel great after doing this for yourself and making a choice to take care of you too! ?

Have a blessed and wonderful week living in the moment! I love you all and I’m so thankful to have you in my life. I’m here for you always!

Lili ?

Do it!

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year!!! I’m so excited to start 2016 and to be able to do better this year than we did the last.This quote is straight to the point and it spoke to me because I realized that sometimes I say that I’m gonna do this and that…But at the end of the year I notice that I actually never DID those things. :/ The thoughts were in my head all along but the ACTION was never there!!!! 🙁 This year I want to do things differently and I want to work on putting more action into things that are important to me. So, lets do this together! you have my support! Let’s put more ACTION into our lives to actually make things happen for ourselves.:) <3
To start out the year we have to set goals and have a vision for our year. Proverbs 29:18 says “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” We have to have a vision to know where we’re going, we have to set goals and take action to actually get there and fulfill our vision. That’s why it is so important that we pray for the goals we should set and not just write down a bunch of stuff of what we want. We have to  be grateful and actually think and realize that God has given us another day, another year, another opportunity to become closer to that person that He created us to be. He has a purpose for us on this earth and it is no accident that we are here at this precise time. <3 We have to ask our father in Heaven what goals He wants us to set for ourselves that will guide us in HIS direction for our lives not in our direction…God needs to be our guide.
That is why we come to our Father in Heaven in prayer, to ask, believing in His help, His intelligence and power for our lives. to know that if He wants us to focus on these goals it’s because HE WILL HELP US ACCOMPLISH THEM!!! & He will let us know in our hearts where exactly we should be focusing our energies and what we should be doing every single day. *What better partner can we have than Him??? <3…So, lets lose the fear, come to Him and be willing to listen and DO what He asks.
Here are a few ideas for us to set goals for ourselves on 2016 and actually accomplish them:
  1. After praying and feeling the answer in our hearts of what our goals should be, we can write them down and make them look good! haha 🙂 The reason I say that is because the idea is that we’re not just gonna throw them in a drawer and be done. What we’re gonna do with them is we’re actually gonna *Put them up in our bedroom, bathroom or whatever place in our home that we will for sure SEE them every day! <3 (the key is to be reminded)
  2. The next step, is to break down the goals into doable steps that can be accomplished in either Daily habits, weeks, etc. 🙂 and start adding them to your daily schedule.
  3. Plan your day the night before. with the 5 most important things to accomplish the next day, starting from hardest being #1 to easiest.
  4. The next day, wake up early and start your day with a prayer, a faith building message, meditate, exercise, have a healthy breakfast and then you’re ready to take on the day energized and to use your morning to tackle the hardest things first!!! once you have completed it 100% you can move on to number two. The idea is that you want to do the thing that gives you the greatest return on energy, or your mental and physical energy. ex; ask yourself, *which item will have the greatest value in achieving my main goal? If you don’t get everything done in one day roll things over to the next.
  5. Make a promise to yourself that when you schedule something you will actually DO IT! we have to take ACTION and make things happen!!! That means we gotta move, make phone calls, get up and go exercise, eat healthy or whatever it is that we may not want to do…We have to be strong enough to take ACTION on the things that we schedule for ourselves that will lead to our ultimate goal because nobody else is gonna do it for us. So, don’t let the laziness, the distractions or the one who wants to keep you distracted from accomplish great fulfilling goals get in your way! Satan wants to keep you lazy and fully distracted on other things that are not important and that will keep us away from anything that is good in our lives…We can’t let him win. If you notice a distraction or something that just seems like its one of his tactics to keep you from doing something good for yourself, then say a prayer in your heart, ask God for strength and courage to not be lazy etc…but instead to get you up and moving and to help you take action!!!  God is on your side! and with Him and His power YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS!!! <3
<3 Our spiritual goal for the week is to: Pray and feel guided to set our goals for this year and take action.
<3 Our physical goal for this week is to: Stay away from chemically processed foods! basically if we can’t read and know what the ingredients on the box are, then we shouldn’t be eating it. 🙂
I hope that God can leave in our hearts a desire to push ourselves!!! We’re built from greatness and with that, we can accomplish great and wonderful things in our lives. Now all it takes is ACTION!!! Lets do this together!!! We have God and those who love us on our side!…We can’t fail with God by your side! <3 We can and will fulfill your goals and so much more in our lives!!! <3
Love you all!!! I’m counting down the hours to start class again tomorrow!!! woohoo!!! This year we will get healthier, physically, emotionally and mentally. can’t wait to see everyone again and to add this class to our physical goals and to our routine on Tuesday nights! you will see how great you’ll feel!!! <3…I love the way we feel after class and I wish EVERYONE could feel that too!!! But it all take ACTION 🙂 I’m here for you always! hope to see you tomorrow!!! Have a blessed and wonderful week!!! 🙂 <3


I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas season with your loved ones!!! ❤️ I couldn’t go to sleep without sending out a little message and letting you know that you are all just such a HUGE blessing in my life! I’m so thankful for having met you, and that God crossed our paths, He never makes mistakes. I’m thankful for your examples, your courage, your friendship and for the wonderful and amazing woman that you are!!! ?
I pray that this Christmas season and always God will bless us and help us to be wise. to know the things that we should be doing daily, where we really should be focusing our energies, and to understand that pure and true happiness comes from within us and from our relationship with God.
This week things were put into a different perspective for me. I’ve been thinking about my aunt who is in the hospital and also my friend who has spent the whole Christmas week at the Arnold Palmer ICU with her son who has been very delicate and not doing well…my heart broke when I received a picture of my friends son and realized the situation and how difficult this would be for any mother. I prayed with all my heart that this baby would heal and come out of this!…I know that God will take care of him and that he will be ok, I have no doubt.
My point is, that this quote that I sent you really says it all, we all gave and received lots of gifts…but really, we all know that none of the material things will bring true happiness or that we even get to take any of them with us when we leave this life…Instead it’s the ones we get to Hug! It’s the ones we get to listen to! It’s the moments that we spend with our loved ones that become our biggest and most precious treasures. ?
So, treasure this time with them, let’s turn off the distractions in our lives and focus on the people that we have closest to us. Let’s tell them we love them every single day!!! Each day is a gift and we must use it wisely and fill it with goodness and Love!
May all of us be blessed with health and all that God wants to bring into our lives. I love you all and I’m here for you always!
Have a Merry Christmas and focus on what truly matters most!….God and Family! That’s our goal for the week. ?
& Our physical goal, is to do some kind of physical activity at least 3 days this week! Even a walk counts! Let’s do it!!!…I miss class so much!!! Can’t wait to be back at the beginning of the year!! ?
Don’t forget to take care of yourself because no one else is gonna go that for YOU! Do your best and be your best!!! ✨ have a blessed and wonderful rest of the week!?
Love always,
Lili ??