The Power Of Focused Thoughts.

Do you have those days when you feel like everything is going too fast and you can’t seem to keep up? Those days when you notice you’ve been distracted by too many things and you realize that you had no focus to your day?

I think we can all relate when we’re able to recognize the days that we’re being fully distracted by other things and not able to focus on the truly important things.

The first step in wanting to change anything in our lives is to be able to have awareness and recognize what we may not be doing correctly. So, today I want to encourage you to take a moment to recognize your distractions. To write down or figure out the ways that you will remove those distractions so that you may be able to focus on the truly important things.

Removing our distractions will help us to invite more focused attention to each task that we want to complete. Of course It’s important to recognize and remove the distractions but it is also important to give power to those things that we would rather focus on. Those things that we know are good for us, and that will allow us to feel happy about the way we spend our time and energy.

There is power in a focused thought. God reminds us to keep our thoughts on things are good and that bring peace. He reminds us that what we focus on grows, and what we invite we attract. That’s why He wants us to focus our thoughts on better things.

Philippians 4:8 tells us Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

He reminds us to have our thoughts focused on things that are uplifting, pure, lovely and that will direct our thoughts to Him. We can dedicate each task of our day to God. Even something as simple as cleaning our home can be dedicated to Him. It can be done with focused attention and feelings of gratitude for what we are able to do.

Today I am motivating myself, and I hope to encourage you as well, to focus our thoughts on things that are uplifting and good. For each task that we work on today let’s try to do it by first, dedicating that task to God and asking Him to help us accomplish it. Let’s feel grateful for the opportunity to focus on this task and for the health that we have to do it.

*Make a list with our to do’s and pray for guidance to know the top 3 things that we should focus on.

*Let’s focus on recognizing and eliminating our distractions. Leaving the phone in another room or turning off the TV are all ways to remove those things that may distract us.

*Set a 25 minute timer to focus on each task and take a 5 minute break at the end of each 20 minute session to celebrate what you’ve been able to do during those 20 mins. A 5 minutes break f feels great! Even if it’s to step outside for a minute or drink some water. 🙂

*End each session by taking a moment to notice how you feel after completing it. Allow yourself to feel gratitude for having been able to focus on the task. The more positive we are at viewing each task and visualizing each accomplishment, the better we will feel while doing it. 😉

Finally, practicing mindfulness is another great opportunity to create better focus. Sometimes we tend to do things with other distractions around us. For example, we may listen to a podcast while we are cleaning or listening to music etc.. All of those things can be great sometimes, but it’s also important for us to have moments when we turn everything off and when you’re able to fully focus on the task in silence. This is called mindfulness.

If you’re able to practice being in the moment, noticing what you are touching, smelling, hearing, feeling etc you’ll be able to notice how your focus will sharpen as you give yourself moments to practice mindfulness during your day. Sometimes just washing the dishes for example, just being in the moment. Swelling the soap, feeling the water etc are all things that we do “robotically” without noticing or just being in the moment. Practicing mindfulness is incredibly beneficial to our mind. The more we practice the better we will feel.

I know that God wants us to strengthen our minds, as well as our bodies and our spirits and I want to remind all of us that our mind and our spirit are very much connected. What we think about we become. Choosing to align ourselves to God, to hear His words, to pray to Him, to make our thoughts, focused, higher, uplifted, and positive will bless our lives in unimaginable ways.

Our goal for this week is to practice focused attention. Even if it’s only 20 minutes at a time. The more that we practice, remove distractions and invite good thoughts, the more we will be able to develop a habit of mastering our attention. We will be able to focus more on all that is good for ourselves, our families and those around us.

Hope to see you tonight in class at 7pm to give ourselves some love and to take care of strengthening our body mind and spirit & leave feeling peaceful, uplifted and renewed. 🙂


Lili 🌸

Learning As We Go 💖

Sorry that It’s been months since you’ve heard from me. I know that I have amazing friends and family who continue to read these messages after all of these years and have wondered where I’ve been. 🙈 Unfortunately life throws challenges at us and there’s times when we have to let go of some things to focus on others.

I want to share this experience with you and I hope that you’re able to gain something from it. My goal is to continue adding messages to this blog. I pray that these messages will help you in any way or encourage you to strengthen your relationship with God and with yourself.

I’m thankful for all your love and support as always. I hope that you can focus on the moments that you have today and are able to nourish yourself in the ways that are needed today. Love you all & Here’s the message that I wanted to share with you this week. 🙂

Sometimes our bodies don’t always act the way we would like. After dealing with months of discomfort and pain from a cervical disc herniation, I feel like I dealt with all kinds of emotions.

This whole experience was super hard for someone who is relatively active like me. Not being able to move my body the way that I used to was extremely difficult. & to deal with pain on top of that, was horrible….My heart truly goes out to those who deal with chronic pain constantly. 💖

As the months have passed, I’ve realized that I’ve had to rely on God, faith & the things that I have learned from my class to get me through this.

As many of you know, this class started out as a Zumba class many years ago and it eventually changed into what we now call “Strong Body, Mind & Spirit” I began adding meditation, mindfulness & spirituality to my classes.

Spirituality is something that people don’t normally add into fitness classes for obvious reasons. But I kept feeling that I needed to continue to do this for myself and for those who needed it. We still had fun and danced, but adding meditation and spirituality allowed us to see past our physical bodies and helped us to connect more on a spiritual or a soul level.

This allowed me to see the hand of God in others lives way more clearly than I had before. I met people from all kinds of backgrounds
and situations. In some cases people who were looking for a “sign from God” or who just needed a hug for that day. I’m thankful that God answered many of their prayers in ways that I’ll never be able to understand. I’m also thankful that I was a witness of what each “miracle person” told me that they had experienced and how God was there for them, even in the moments when they thought He wasn’t. All of those experiences helped me to solidify the knowledge that God is very real in All of our lives.

Practicing Meditation and has also helped me to connect to God in a higher way. I’ve experienced countless of times the immense and indescribable love of God. & there’s nothing better in this world than to feel that love, peace & that security that can only come from a divine, all knowing God.

The mindfulness part of class, has also taught me to practice gratitude and be more present and in the moment that I’m in. It has allowed me to check my thoughts more often and direct them in better and more positive ways rather than letting them take over (which is easy to do when we’re going through something difficult) Also, practicing my ability to use my senses to bring me back to the present and inviting feelings of gratitude, healing, peace, love etc is super healing when we’re going through hard times. But It all requires practice & I had to strengthen that part of myself.

This class has not only taught me mental techniques on how to process emotions, but it has also taught me to PRACTICE them weekly and to make quiet time daily to talk to God & to be present and in alignment with Him and His incredible love and wisdom that can guide me from one moment to the next. But just like with anything else in life right? We have to practice. & I’m thankful for the practice that this class allowed me to have & for the opportunities to practice I continue to gain. 😓

It was during the meditations of class, where I tried to turn off the world and make a conscious effort to connect to God. It was during those moments where I remembered that I am more than my body. More than what the world is constantly telling us that’s “important”…I not only felt that I am more than my physical body but also more than what I physically posess, more than my accomplishments, more than any type of beauty, popularity, status, wealth, etc. but instead I began to feel and realize more and more that we are beings of light, that we come from an all loving God and that I can call myself a child of God. I have felt very known and loved by my creator. Not only during the meditations but during my moments of prayer and most importantly when I have to remind myself to remember those “God moments” when times are tough.

Honestly, If we can get to a point in life where we can know for ourselves that we are known and loved by God, that is the biggest accomplishment we can gain in this life. To have that knowledge that we are known and loved by Him and that He truly cares for us is extremely healing for any soul. & it will fill us with greater peace, love, confidence and abundance than anything else on this earth.

Now, after months of having dealt with pain and discomfort, I can say that I am healed. I’m thankful for the Faith that I’ve been able to exercise and develop. I’m thankful for the PRACTICE that this class has allowed me to have. & for the difficult times that allow us to polish ourselves and see things clearer.

I’ve learned from this experience, the importance of what I try to “ preach” lol that “BALANCING” & STRENGTHENING my Body, Mind & Spirit is so important. Because you never know what life will throw at you. & in my case, for example; when my body was weak and in pain, my spirit was strong enough to help me through the physical challenge that I was experiencing. I’m thankful for the practice that I had previously gotten in strengthening my spirit to allow me to deal with the physical challenges that I was experiencing.

So, my reason for writing this is to encourage you to take care of yourself physically, mentally and also spiritually. To be balanced in that way is my goal and my purpose for creating this class. 🥹💖 So that when things come at us, we can know who to go to for help. ☝🏼😉I testify that God lives. I know that for myself and I know that He loves you in an indescribable way. Trust Him & believe in Him and in your ability to overcome each challenge. All will work out for your good.

I’m blessed to be able to start teaching Class again starting tonight and every Thursday at 7:00pm. I’ll be dedicating each class to my healer & my Savior. & I leave these words with you in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 💖🙏🏼

Lili 💖

My Inner Oasis

Often times our thoughts and conversations are so focused on the future or the past, that we forget to focus on the present. Being Present is bringing full awareness to the moment we are in. Filtering out distractions and bringing our attention to the task at hand.

Doing this allows the combined stresses of life to fade to the background as we focus on being right here, doing whatever it is that we are doing right now. With a focused mind and a sense of gratitude for this very moment.

As we’ve talked about in class, one of ways to improve our ability to come into the present moment is to calm the mind in meditation. Meditating at any time of the day, brings rewards that filter into all aspects of life. Any time Is the perfect time to refresh or renew ourselves. We just have to choose to make the time for it and allow it to actually benefit us.

During our moments of quietness and prayer, we can use short meditations for even one or two minutes that can be refreshing, calming, centering and good for our health and clarity. These are opportunities that we can create for ourselves to open the windows of communication to higher wisdom. Allowing us to enter more of a spiritual perspective and be in that moment for a little while.

Making time for this, will allow us to focus on God’s peace, which is already within us but requires a little “tuning” to find it and feel it more fully. Practicing moments of quiet during the day can allow us to center our attention on the Love of God and on trusting that we are in the hands of God and that our actions of this hour can come from a place that is centered, confident and peaceful.

Our Goal for this next week is to bring ourselves to this calming connection a few times per day. Or at least when we feel really stressed or when we need it most. We can practice becoming more present in our daily tasks. We can remind ourselves hourly to check in with ourselves and see how YM we’re feeling it what emotions we can release. Then, to become fully present we can practice 5,4,3,2,1 and focusing on the tasks or on your senses, (5 things you see, 4 things you hear, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you can smell & 1 things you can taste) practicing this will allow us to be more present and in the moment.

We may have to remove some distractions, push our phones aside and instead focus on taking some deep breaths, and bringing our awareness to this very moment. The more we practice and allow ourselves to live more in the present, the more we will be able to enjoy one day a time with focused energy.

Here’s one way you can practice this.

Stop what you’re doing.

Take three deep breaths and allow yourself to feel what is going on in your body and mind.

Invite the calming peace and love to be with you. Breathe until you can release the negativity and the invite peace and love of God to be with you.

Set your intention for this next hour (Ex: my intention is to feel peace this hour etc) & start your next task with gratitude, kindness joy, compassion and love.

The choice of how you want to live and what you want to focus on, will always be yours. Choose what is best for your Mind, Body and Soul. This is your life and you can choose to make it joyful, peaceful and beautiful. Allow God to help you align to that peaceful, loving and beautiful energy one moment at a time.

Hope that you can allow yourself to have more moments to access your inner oasis today. We will practice that tonight during our meditation. Can’t wait to see you Tonight at 7pm To help and motivate one another to do something amazing for our Body, Mind and Spirit today. Let’s remind ourselves of why we want to do this & show up for ourselves & make it happen. 💪🏼🥰❤️


Lili 🌸

The Power Of Our Thoughts.

We may feel that we can’t control our thoughts and emotions sometimes. But the more that we practice taking control of what we think and how we react to things the better we will be able to handle life and it’s ups and downs. This week & tonight in class we will talk about how nothing from the outside can affect us internally UNLESS we allow it to do so. It’s all a chain reaction which begins with the events that we experience and the opportunity that we have to CHOOSE our thoughts & how to react to the situations that happen in our lives.

The equation is:


We have the opportunity to choose how we will respond to everything that we experience. It’s always up to us to decide what we allow to enter our minds. Our reaction will determine the outcome which we will experience. That is why we must always ask ourselves; “Do I want a positive outcome from this negativity situation I’m experiencing? How can this situation strengthen me instead of weakening me? What can I do to react in a way that will bring a positive outcome to my life?”

It’s amazing that we have the power to choose to not allow outside sources to control how we feel internally. We often forget that we have that power which we unfortunately give away to others or to outside sources to control us. It’s as if we hand someone else the “control” of our power. We must remember that it’s a gift and our responsibility to be able to choose what to focus on and how to take control of OUR power. We must learn to want to protect the power that we have to CHOOSE and WITH THAT CHOICE BE ABLE TO REACT OR RESPOND TO EVERY SITUATION IN A POSITIVE MANNER.

We can focus on making our thoughts stronger, using positive affirmations and to helping ourselves remain internally peaceful and less affected by the outside things that we experience. It takes practice, but the more that we’re able to exercise that choice and power to strengthen our thoughts, the happier we will be and the more in control of ourselves we will feel. The power is there! We just have to choose wether we use it to help us positively or negatively in our lives.

We can change our thoughts. We can train our brain to take a new pathway. With practice, our negative thoughts can change into thoughts that are uplifting, edifying and that bring us strength in the moment when we need it most. If we have a hard time with our thoughts or we feel affected by the outside sources or situations that we experience, we can turn to God to ask Him for help. He can make our minds more peaceful, powerful and positive by becoming more centered or focused on coming to Him. He knows what’s in our hearts, He knows our thoughts, our goals and desires. We just have to trust that He will help us.

He has said;

Yea, I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart. (D&C 6:16)

He knows the things that we want to work on and to do better on. He knows how we feel more than anyone else! He knows how we can overcome our challenges and difficulties. As we’re willing to listen to Him and to follow what He would like us to do, He will help us to be stronger and to focus our minds on being more Positive & capable of choosing what is best for us. Remind yourself daily and even in this very moment. “God loves ME” He wants to help me! I can feel His love I’m all living things around me. I can go to Him and He will be there for me.” It’s in His nature to want to help because He is good, caring and loving. He has a plan and a purpose for each one of us. We just have to remember that this earth is our school for us to learn to choose all kinds of things.

Most importantly, I believe that God wants us to learn how to manage thoughts or the things that we allow to remain and grow in our mind. Thoughts turn into emotions ➡️feelings ➡️actions and eventually results. If we want to change our results. We must first begin with our thoughts.

The things we experience in our lives can either teach us and help us or harm us and make us negative and unhappy. The choice is always ours. The more that we’re able to recognize our power of control, the opportunity to choose to remain in control of ourselves. The more willing we become to stop turning to the world for recognition or advice and instead we will become more willing to turn to God. To listen to the feeling that He’s able to place in our hearts & to be more willing to follow and take the action that will be most beneficial to our mind, heart and soul. As we come to God to ask him to help us with our thoughts, we will become more receptive His love, power, peace and guidance for our lives.

Our strength can’t always come from us. We need divine help in our lives more often than we think. As children of God we have access to that help as we search for it and as we’re willing to listen & follow that higher wisdom. God’s goal is to have strong children on this earth who know their potential, value and power as children of God. Children who know that they have access to the help, love and peace that our Father in Heaven is able to provide. Children of God who feel confident in their ability to choose good thoughts, feelings and actions. We can do this! Lets Trust in His love, believe in Him and in what we can do for ourselves with His divine help. Trust in your own internal power to choose the good for your life. Remember that you’re just a thought away from feeling happy, thankful, peaceful and joyful.

Our spiritual goal for the week is to be aware of our thoughts and our internal power. To not allow outside sources to affect us internally but instead to remember our potential as children of God and who we can become. Be strong and choose the thoughts that will bring the best outcome for your life.

Our physical goal for the week is to remove one bad item from our diet. It can be soda, sugary drinks, fast food, chips or sugary treats. Just choose one or 2 items to remove that can help your health and strengthen your body.

Hope to see you tonight at 7pm to do something amazing for your BODY, MIND & SPIRIT. We will get rid of stress, strengthen ourselves and have an amazing meditation to remind us of our inner power.

Don’t forget that God will return the good that we do in our lives and our joy will be even greater in knowing that God is pleased with our thoughts, feelings and our actions. Doing these things will only bring peace, happiness and positivity into our lives. you’re not alone, God is with you and will make you stronger! Do your best TODAY. Just focus on ONE DAY AT A TIME. He will help you. He will guide you and be there to comfort you, strengthen you and fill you with His divine love.



Learning To Focus

This past weekend I had an opportunity to teach a group of kids ages 8 to 11. I wanted to encourage them to take a moment to feel gratitude for the body that God has given each of us individually. I encouraged them to acknowledge how amazing their bodies are, the way they work and the ability that we have to move, exercise and even help our minds and thoughts by choosing what to focus on.

During the meditation portion of the class, I asked the kids to close their eyes and FOCUS on allowing their bodies to relax. To just feel their breath & be in a moment of gratitude.

I then guided them through a meditation where I asked them to see themselves In the most beautiful and peaceful place they could think of. I encouraged them to focus on visualizing themselves being the in the presence of God. To allow themselves to be open to feeling a hug from Him and to truly try to listen to what God was telling each of them individually.

I then opened my eyes for a moment to check on the kids and noticed that some of the kids were smiling! Others looked focused and peaceful. I was even able to notice a little girl wiping tears from her face. Each child in that room who wanted to feel God had an opportunity to personally connect to Him. It was a beautiful experience for me to witness that and to see how God is able to provide what each soul needs. 🥹

I asked the kids to guard and treasure the feelings and the words that were coming to them from God. I testify and know that when we’re truly wanting to feel God and we come to Him with that full purpose and real intent in our hearts, He will make Himself known unto us. He will bring peace to our hearts and let us know He is there.

After the meditation I asked the kids to gently open their eyes. I could see the peace and light in their countenance and all aprons them. I asked them what they could see now with their eyes open? and one little girl said: “ I CAN STILL SEE JESUS!!” I smiled and said “Wow! Wouldn’t it be amazing if we all could see Jesus even with our eyes open?!”

As soon as she said that, God put this feeling in my heart and I told the kids that we CAN see Jesus even with our eyes open! It all has to do with what we choose to FOCUS ON. If we want to focus on seeing God in our every day life, we can and we will see Him & feel Him. 🙂

I gave that little girl a ride home after the activity and we saw these beautiful red flowers on the side of the road. She pointed at them and said: “Look at the beautiful red flowers!!! 🌹 Isn’t God amazing? He made them so bright and pretty!” We talked about how hard it would be to describe that bright color red to someone who is blind…we couldn’t find the words to describe that color and beauty. We talked about how blessed we are to be able to see the beauty of those flowers.

The words form that sweet little girl, have stayed with me ever since I hear them. “I can still see Jesus even with my eyes open!” So now, I’m trying to focus my lenses of “vision” this week to try to see the beauty around me. To try to see Jesus even with my eyes open. I’m trying to purposely change my thoughts and to direct them more toward God. To ask Him to help me, guide me and inspire me to see Him and feel Him hour by hour.

I’m purposefully trying to focus more on gratitude, Joy and peace rather than stressing out about all kinds of things that may be going on. I’m choosing to keep my eyes open to Him. To feeling God, being present with Him and allowing Him to light the hours of my day from one moment to the next.

I invite you to do the same for yourself. To choose to focus on seeing God even with your eyes open. To fully feel Him close to you and around you. Being a God who is able to remove your burdens, your pain and instead allowing yourself to feel the pure love that God has just for you.

I pray that as we practice this goal of changing what we focus on, that we will be able to change how we feel, how we spend our time and the energy that we put into each moment of our day. So, remind yourself today and say to yourself; “God will help me. He is loving, kind and a giver of good gifts. It’s in His nature to want to help me. So I come to Him with a pure heart and with Faith knowing that He will take care of me moment bu moment. He will show me what to focus on and allow me to see Him even with my eyes open.” 💛

Hope to see tonight at 7:00pm to allow our minds and bodies to release stress and to focus on renewing ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually.

Don’t forget that we’re the ones who need to dig deep and find the motivation to do this for ourselves. 💪🏼🥰 Try to remind yourself of the reasons why you want to exercise, or meditate. Just show up and I promise that you’ll leave class feeling way better than before you got there. You’ll go home feeling so peaceful, renewed and filled with positive energy.

I hope that you can make it and invite others to benefit as well. ❤️

You’ve got this! God and His divine light are all around you to fill you completely and give you energy and strength. keep going and doing your best. 💪🏼🥰❤️🙏🏼

Lili 🌸

Be Still My Soul

Our lives can be either driven by our schedules or by spirit. They can be driven by the constant chatter of our minds or by a place of calm. They can be driven by impulse or by wisdom.

Precious, sacred silence is one of our most essential friends. Our silent time reminds us of who we are and it gives us access to infinite wisdom from which we are guided when making our daily decisions. So why is it so difficult to write it on today’s schedule?

Many of us now have a spiritual practice during which we pray for assistance, read the word of God, meditate, focus on gratitude or find ways to inspire our heart. But as we know, the world pulls ferociously in different directions. It begs us to pay attention, to divide our time, to distract our focus and to be busier than it’s good for the soul.

It takes a mindful effort and awareness to revisit our priorities often, and make the time to connect with spirit. It’s the most important thing we will do in the day. And when we do it first, the rest of the day is driven by moments of intuition gained from connecting mindfully with the source of all love, peace and light.

This is not a duty or an effort. We don’t work to be more spiritually connected; it is who we are. All we have to do is set aside time to check in and to let the noise drop away for long enough to reveal the beauty and calm that resides within us. And if we can just hover there…open… For a moment without jumping in with a thought, within that stillness, is when we’re able to activate our soul’s wisdom.

Having a time during the day to calm the mind and still the soul can be a challenging practice. But that is one of those things that will have lasting consequences in our lives. We deserve to create moments of internal peace for ourselves. Moments to gain higher intuition and guidance. The rewards of doing this for ourselves will reach across all aspects of our being. Every day is a good day to begin learning or to recharge our practice. It’s always better to have progress over perfection.

Our goal for this week is to create more peaceful moments, to quiet our minds, be still and listen. We can ask for inspiration, breathe and take a moment to write down what we feel. As we’re able to keep those notes throughout the week, we will see that God does speak to us. Directly to our heart ♥️ That internal peace is always available to us. Silence and peace can become our new friend. God wants to remind us that we can create moments to be still, to Still our souls and to know that He is God. Invite more of that light and wisdom into your day and you’ll feel the difference.

May we quiet our words, calm our thoughts, soften our hearts and still our souls daily, so that we may listen, be open and receive. And most importantly, let spirit lead.

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7PM to give yourself the gift of strengthening your Body Mind and Spirit. Come release stress and negativity & allow yourself recharge and renew. You’ll feel amazing, you’ll be proud of yourself and you won’t regret it.



Rest To My Soul

We all experience challenges, difficulties, times of overwhelming stress, anxiety, pain or sickness. At times the heaviness of it all may feel too intense to handle. It’s during these times that I want to remind you that when you feel like you’re alone, that no one understands or that no one is there to hear you…God does hear you! He loves you and is the one who is always ready and willing listen to you when you need it most.

Even though our pains or suffering may not be immediately removed from us, we can still find God’s comfort today. He invites us to come to Him with our whole heart and share with Him all that we’re feeling. He wants us to release the pain and suffering and leave it all in His hands. He will take care of us, He will carry us from moment to moment, He will do that for each one of us who seek Him with a sincere heart. He will lighten our loads even if it’s just by providing divine PEACE for our souls today.

We just have to be truly willing to have eyes to see and a heart to feel the love and peace that God can provide for us immediately. We have a choice when we’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious or discouraged. We can either choose to allow more negativity, overwhelm and stress to enter our minds and hearts. We can continue trying to look for peace in the world around us. Or instead, we can choose to have a moment to take some deep breaths, be more present, slow down a little, focus on what we can control TODAY and most importantly, trust in God more than men or what we can do for ourselves.

God has given us promises and tools to bring us inner peace and to truly bring rest to our souls. A few of the questions that we can ask ourselves are; “How do I genuinely show God that I truly believe in Him & His timing for all things?”, “Am I willing and open to feeling the comfort and peace that GOD CAN PROVIDE for me IMMEDIATELY after I ask?” & finally, “How willing am I to look within myself and to reach out to God for inner peace and rest from the burdens that I may be carrying today?”

Mathew 11:28-30 Says

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest into your souls.

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

He invites us to COME TO HIM. We get to choose for this ourselves (that’s how loving He is that He allows each one of us to choose!) He invites us to learn of Him, to come to know Him better. By doing so, we will learn that He is a GOOD GOD. A God who is never blind to our tears, who knows our pain and all of the difficulties we each have to expedience. He is never deaf to our prayers, and is always ready to comfort us in the way that we each personally need it. So, remember to say to yourself. “He HEARS ME, HE SEES ME, HE LOVES ME. I trust in His divine plan for my life. I do the best that I can today with the strength of knowing that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens ME.”

We all know that life is short and temporary. Each day really is a gift and a new opportunity that God gives us to do better. Do we want live our days in sadness and despair feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Do we want to be constantly triggered by all that is going on in the world around us? Or do we want to gain more inner stability, peace and strength in God? He is ready to provide it to any who truly SEEK HIM. The more that we’re able to align ourselves to Him, the less fears we will have in the world and the better we will be able to make choices and handle the difficult situations that may come into our lives.

With God we can do all things. With Him we are WAY STRONGER, PEACEFUL AND STABLE than we can be on our own. We all know that our world needs a little more of that. So, we can start by processing our own emotions and leaving them at the altar and in the Hands of God. We can choose to focus on the strength that God can provide and not have our minds focused on the negative or terrible things that have happened. We can instead focus on turning to find His light for our lives TODAY! & we can remind ourselves to take it one day at day at a time, one moment at a time.

Take this moment for example, to feel your breath, where you’re sitting, what you can smell, what you can feel with your hands. What you can hear. This is the moment you’re in right now. Nothing else is as important as this moment to regain your energy and strength through God. Close your eyes and take a moment to just feel Him! Feel His amazing love for you. Feel gratitude for your beating heart, your loving irking body, feel the sun, the energy of all the plants and animals, the life that He gives to all living things including YOUR OWN LIFE TODAY!

That’s one of the ways in which we can experience God today. Realizing that even our very breath is a gift. Notice that we do have beauty and goodness to focus on around us. It all depends on where we focus our energy. We don’t have to be triggered by negativity or difficulties. WHAT MATTERS IS HOW WE CHOOSE TO REACT TO THE CIRCUMSTANCES THAT WE FACE. We can be more purposeful in our day. More willing to flow in the light of God and willing to see the gifts that we have today. We can experience His sunlight for our lives and the blessings that we have today. He will help us to feel that peace. Can you feel it right now as you focus on it? We can be carried in His arms moment by moment feeling the peace, health and love that He can provide. We just have to be willing to see God in our lives and His fingerprints that are all around us.

When you begin to feel your connection to Him becoming stronger you’re able to recognize clearly that you too are a child of God. The child of a Father in Heaven who is filled with wisdom, light and knowledge of all things. You realize that YOU are actually made made of that same divine light. You begin to recognize your strength, you ability to bring more light into your life and your power within yourself will begin to grow and develop as you choose to focus on the light.

The more we practice this from moment to moment the faster our brain will re-wire the ability to focus on the good and on the light within us and all around us. We will also be able to recognize darkness, and we will begin to learn to release that negativity more often even until it no longer has any power over us. We are divine beings made of light. Our minds and hearts are more peaceful and stable as we remember where we come from. Who we are and realize that God is with us to help us re-frame the way we’re viewing our life. We can have a joyful and peaceful life as we choose to focus on the light of our lives. The more we do this the easier it will become to be a light in the lives of our families, loved ones and the world around us.

So, remember God is with you! & HE ALWAYS WILL BE. You’ve got this! Come unto to Him & you will receive peace and rest. Focus on the light, love, peace and all the good that you find in TODAY. You’ll feel the difference of what you UNITED with God can do for your life. 💪🏼🥰

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7:00pm To continue working on yourself and on becoming a better version of yourself. Make it your goal today to make it to class and allow yourself to do this for your Body, Mind and Spirit. This is so therapeutic for all of us! 😊 So, hopefully you can make it happen for yourself today and feel the difference.



Trust In God & In Yourself

As this New Year begins we may have all kinds of goals that we set for ourselves. Unfortunately our goal setting can also feel overwhelming at times. Today I want to remind you to not let the overwhelm get to you. Try to take a moment to slow down a little and be grateful for the day that you have TODAY. For the opportunity to start a New year. For the chance to focus your energy on goals that can lift you to a higher level. Remember that God doesn’t want you to figure everything out or Tun faster than you have strength. He just wants you to trust Him in your process of becoming one day at a time.

He wants each one of us to know that our life has a purpose. When God created us He had a plan in mind and a mission for each one of us to accomplish. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. God wants us to be hopeful, to trust Him and to do our best to accomplish His plans for us. He’s not asking us to figure everything out. Instead, He’s asking us to TRUST HIM and to trust in His plan for our lives.

Think of the ways in which you can trust more in God this year. How will you show Him that you’ll do that for Him? As we purposefully place our trust in Him & come closer to Him, our purpose will become clearer and He will be better able to guide us toward becoming who He desires us to become. ❤️

I promise that if you make it a daily goal to speak to God and seek for His wisdom, the Holy Ghost, who is the comforter from the presence of God, will come upon you and bring you peace. Which is one of the best ways to feel God in our lives. The comforter will also bring us that assurance that God hears our prayers, is taking care of us and all will be ok.

As we choose to act on communicating with God and continue to have faith in God’s power, He will strengthen us individually and give us the daily wisdom for what we should focus our attention on each day. Remember that we can’t just wish for things to happen and that’s it. When we have faith in God we gain a stronger desire to ACT! we’re more willing to put in the work necessary toward becoming who we are meant to be.

God said; “Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in Faith believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be done unto you.” (Moroni 7:26)

God is ready to bless us if we have a pure heart, if we seek Him & Ask Him, BELIEVING that we will receive. How amazing is that? This is where our faith is tested & where God is able to show Himself in our lives.

Christ said; “If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me.” (Moroni 7:33) That promise in His word, reminds us that we will have power through our faith to accomplish the desires of our hearts that align with the desires that God has for us. So, with our Faith in God, we’re better able to see more clearly which goals we should focus on and actually accomplish them.

Having faith also allows us to act as if our goals are on their way. That belief and trust in God and in ourselves that we will make our goals possible with His help, will bring motivation. We can ask for daily wisdom to know what to focus on for this day, and we can move forward toward accomplishing that goal. Remember to break down your goals and do a little each day until you eventually accomplish the bigger goals you’ve set. The more that we’re able to accomplish the small things the more momentum we will have to accomplish the bigger things. Practice seeing yourself accomplishing your daily goals. Visualize yourself doing it and having divine help as you achieve what is in your heart. Allow yourself to feel yourself getting Healthier, stronger, becoming more peaceful, accomplished etc. ❤️

When you have those days when notice yourself comparing where you are to where you want to be, focus on this one question: “What single, small decision can I make right now to move forward in my process of becoming? Write down your thoughts and feelings and be aware of what comes to your mind. That’s one way we can know which action to take. Also, there may be times when we feel like giving up on our goals because we slipped or made a mistake. But remember to be kind to yourself, Don’t give up. Just take a moment to evaluate what led to the mistake or the negative thought and wether your process should be modified to help prevent it from happening in the future. If you know your goals are worth working toward you will keep trusting and moving forward with faith in God.

Finally, Remember that rather than focusing solely on the outcome of the goal, put your energy into the process of becoming. In a process, every moment is important. You can enjoy feelings of small daily successes. You can learn from setbacks, rather than treating them as signs of failure. In a process of becoming you can find joy in each moment, you can be grateful for the opportunity to be a work in progress. You can remind yourself that it’s important to continue to LOVE YOURSELF and strengthen your relationship with yourself DAILY! Don’t forget to be compassionate and speak kindly to yourself. Trust that as long as you are working the process, which is an essential part of exercising faith in God, reaching your goal will be the natural outcome.

So, make it a point today to re-evaluate your goals. Think about what you’re working toward and what God wants you to place as your top priorities. Align yourself to that knowledge and that desire to work toward the things which are important. Make a plan, start small, visualize and give yourself grace and the motivation that you need to accomplish each thing. If we really want something, we have to work toward it. The difference is that we will trust in God and with His help we can do ALL THINGS! We can even find pleasure and motivation in the work that we do on ourselves and on our daily goals. We can Find joy in this journey and move forward trusting and having faith in God and in yourselves. ❤️

How amazing is it that we can talk to our creator daily! That we can let Him know all that is going on in our heart & mind. How amazing that we can receive wisdom and power from the presence of God to accomplish what need to do for each day.

We don’t need to run faster than we have strength. We don’t need to feel overwhelmed. We can instead focus on asking God what to focus on today and go from there. Accomplishing our priorities and what God has put in our heart that day will bring peace and the assurance that we are truly doing the most important things and God will guide us with the rest. We will know that we are in His hands and all will be ok.

The most Important work we can accomplish in our lives, is to be able to speak to God, seek His wisdom and have the ability to Hear Him and do what He asks. The only way to do this is to practice hearing Him daily and then GO & DO.

God will help us achieve our physical, spiritual, emotional or temporal goals. He knows what’s in our hearts and because He loves us and wants the best for us, HE WILL HELP US. TRUST HIM AND TRUST IN YOUR ABILITY TO DO THIS FOR YOURSELF. ❤️

With God all things are possible! You can do it! Count on Him, do your best & go for it. ❤️ HOPE, ACT & BECOME.

Out SPIRITUAL GOAL for the month is to accomplish a few goals. Set 1 to 2 goals that you feel align with what God would want you to do. Break down the steps and set aside the time daily to act on them. Ask God in Faith to help you & get to work. Continue to give yourself daily grace. You can do it! Plus, God has promised the POWER for you to accomplish it. Stay motivated and make it it happen. ❤️

Our PHYSICAL GOAL for the week is to exercise at least 3 days and to eat as clean as we can. Choose nutrient rich snacks and try to remove the sugary drinks. Try to be conscious of your choices and the different things that are going into your body. Make it easy for yourself by having healthy snacks available so you don’t get super hungry and reach for the bag of chips in the pantry. Make the decision, help yourself and track it if it helps you and you’ll notice the difference in your mood and energy. Your body will thank you for choosing good food 🙂 ❤️

We will have CLASS TONIGHT AT 7:00 pm! Come release stress, and do something awesome for your body, Mind and Spirit. Only YOU can do this for yourself. Make the promise to to yourself and keep that promise. The more that you keep your promises to yourself the more you’ll love yourself and have a healthy relationship with yourself. So, do your best & keep your promises. Put on your workout clothes ahead of time and drive yourself to class! (Which is the hardest part) I promise that you’ll leave feeling AMAZING!!! Centered, peaceful and motivated to take on the week and accomplish your goals.

Hope to see you there and thank you to anyone who read all the way to the end of this message. I pray that you feel inspired to teach out to God and seek His peace, strength and light today. I know He has helped me with this and I know He will do it for anyone who teaches up to Him.

Love you all and thank you for having a desire to keep God’s light flowing through you. He’s got you & I know you’ll Keep it going! 😉 Trust Him! Share your light with others & DO YOUR BEST ONE DAY AT A TIME. ❤️



I Am Made Of Divine Light

I want to Invite you right now to slow down for a minute and take a moment to breathe, take a few deeper breaths and to focus on re-charging your energy. Take a moment to notice the Divine light within you. Remember that God doesn’t want you to run faster than you have strength. So, make it a point to slow down a little and notice the divinity within you and around you.

Can you feel that light of God within you today? Can you see the Divine light in the animals, plants and people around you? We all have a soul. That inner light that connects us to our creator. We often go through life without thinking about all of the light that actually surrounds us. ☀️ We often close ourselves off to it. We allow the Busyness, overwhelm and distraction to get in the way. We don’t take enough time during our day to SLOW DOWN & Just enjoy the little moments.

Instead we live our lives often running too fast, overdoing things, comparing ourselves to others, judging ourselves and focusing on our lack rather than focusing on what we’re blessed to have. We often use social media, tv, food, shopping and many other activities to buffer or numb our emotions. We’re not willing to sit with ourselves for a few minutes to just feel what is going on in our hearts to help ourselves process our pain, thoughts, energy and emotions.

We need to be able to teach ourselves to disconnect from all that our minds have going on, to just have a moment to slow down, to breathe and to connect to ourselves. The more we’re able to do that, the more we will get to know ourselves. The more comfortable we will become at feeling all kinds of emotions and helping ourselves to return to calm, peace and love. (Which is what that light within us is all about ) This practice of slowing down and noticing the light will trickle down slowly to all areas of our lives and it will help us to acknowledge the Divine light within us more. We will also be better able to see that same divine light of God all around us in the eyes of our loved ones, the people we come in contact with, animals, plants and all other living things.

This Christmas season and throughout the New Year, I invite you to focus on the light. When we can focus on the light of God, we’re better able to invite more of it into our lives. We can forgive others, we can recognize with humility our mistakes and know that there’s a loving God who is always ready to help us on our journey toward becoming a purer soul. He is ready to fill us with more light if we desire to bring it and invite it to reside more brightly into our lives.

OUR SOUL’S MISSION IS TO LEARN ABOUT THE DIVINITY WITHIN US AND ALLOW THAT DIVINITY TO EXPAND!!! So, let’s slow down a little and focus on seeing the divinity within ourselves and all around us. See that divine light in your family members, in the plants, animals and all living things. Recognize the light, bless it, welcome the light of God around you to come in and reside within you. Your light is already there. You just have to allow it to shine brighter!

Feel His peace and His love by being willing to NOTICE THE DIVINITY THAT FLOWS WITHIN YOU AND AROUND YOU. Allow yourself to invite more of the light and love of God to reside within you and around you today. Let go of the things that don’t help you or serve you and do your best to be present and to sense the spirit of all that is Divine around you. Allow your day to flow from an abundance of light. Instead, notice that the light of God brings a calm confidence. Trust that you’re surrounded by that loving peace and abundance from God and that all of your needs will be met and you will be able to prioritize and focus on the truly important things and in the things that bring more light into your life and the lives of those around you.

TODAY WILL BE OUR LAST CLASS FOR 2022! I Can’t believe the year is already ending. But I Hope that you can make it to class today at 7:00 pm!!! Not only release stress and to do something awesome for yourself physically, but also to strengthen your soul and to have a wonderful meditation to help you relax and align yourself to the light that is all around you. If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed I invite you to slow down a little and to make time for this class today. We will have an awesome time doing something great for our bodies and we will also be able to have an amazing meditation to help us release all that stress and instead leave feeling re-charged, renewed, peaceful and calm for the rest of this holiday season. So, end the year the best way you can! Let’s do this! 😉

Our spiritual goal for the rest of the year is to focus on the light of God within us and around us daily. Let’s allow His light to reside brightly within us to help us focus on gratitude and on taking each moment one step at a time in the direction that allows us to feel more of that light. Then, we will be better able to be a light to others as well. 🙂

Our physical goal is to take care of ourselves by setting our health goals for the New Year. Let’s make it a goal to Exercise daily! This will help us get rid of stress. Eating healthy will keep us having the right energy that our body needs to work optimally. So, try it and do your best each day to love yourself and take care of yourself. You deserve this! ❤️

Love you all and keep doing your best. Focus on the good and do your best to enjoy and live to the fullest one day at a time. Thank you all for sharing your divine light with me! I’m blessed and so thankful to know each and every one of you. Can’t wait to see you tonight & for us to do this together! Let’s do this! 💪🏼🥰



Daily Gifts

“Every sunrise is a blessing, a gift just for today. Embrace it and enjoy it before it fades away.” If we choose to see the gifts that God has given us, we will see His fingerprints of Love and divinity all around us.

Some days may be harder than others, but as we remember to take it one day at a time, one moment at a time and slowly become more aware of our surroundings. We can focus on the types of feelings we want to have, and center ourselves on trying to be more present and enjoy this very moment. We can focus our attention on seeing the light, beauty and love that is woven in all things outside in the world and inside of our homes and hearts.

We can gently remember that each moment brings with it the gift of life and the chance to love. This small moment, this precious day will not come again. We have never seen a day like this before.

So, If we can change the way we see things normally and focus instead on the beauty that is around us, we can start to view our day as being saturated in sacred sights and sounds. Then, this moment right here, right now, where we are, broken, messy, or whatever it may be, becomes a beautiful & holy moment.

James 1:17 Says: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

God is the provider and the giver of all Good gifts. If we choose to see His light in our lives, we will see Him and feel Him. He gives us more than we realize daily. He loves us and wants us to keep our view focused on Him. The Father of lights, the Father of our souls. He who knows the end from the beginning is ready to help us and lift us daily. We just have to reach up to Him and consciously be aware of how blessed we are and the gifts that He is constantly giving us.

So, let’s remind ourselves today to look up! Look up to the Father of lights to fill us with more light. To fill our homes and hearts with more of His divine light. Let’s remember to not allow the enemy bring us down. We’re greater than that and our power comes from the giver of all good gifts! Our Father in Heaven who is granting us the gift of being here today. We can reject negativity with prayer and feeding our minds and souls all that is good & uplifting. We get to CHOOSE if we want to focus on the light or not. God invites us to experience His love in the daily moments that He gives you on this earth. So, Enjoy them and allow your heart to be peaceful and soak in that daily divine light.

During this Christmas season I want to invite each one of us to look for the light, for the gifts that God so abundantly gives each one of us daily. Try to name the gifts you notice each day & express gratitude to God for them.

Also, I want to challenge you to make a promise to yourself to take your focus away from yourself this holiday season and instead think of a gift that you could give to God. Ask yourself “What is one thing that I could offer to God this week?” What would be a good gift to give Him for all He does for me?” I pray that as you do this you will be blessed to feel an even greater abundance of Gods love and blessings.

Unfortunately class will be canceled tonight. But I’m hoping to be able to have it next week and be able to strengthen ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually. For now, lets continue working on our goals and we’ll reunite next week and renew our energy. Hope that all of us are able to have a blessed and wonderful Christmas.

