Do you have those days when you feel like everything is going too fast and you can’t seem to keep up? Those days when you notice you’ve been distracted by too many things and you realize that you had no focus to your day?
I think we can all relate when we’re able to recognize the days that we’re being fully distracted by other things and not able to focus on the truly important things.
The first step in wanting to change anything in our lives is to be able to have awareness and recognize what we may not be doing correctly. So, today I want to encourage you to take a moment to recognize your distractions. To write down or figure out the ways that you will remove those distractions so that you may be able to focus on the truly important things.
Removing our distractions will help us to invite more focused attention to each task that we want to complete. Of course It’s important to recognize and remove the distractions but it is also important to give power to those things that we would rather focus on. Those things that we know are good for us, and that will allow us to feel happy about the way we spend our time and energy.
There is power in a focused thought. God reminds us to keep our thoughts on things are good and that bring peace. He reminds us that what we focus on grows, and what we invite we attract. That’s why He wants us to focus our thoughts on better things.
Philippians 4:8 tells us Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
He reminds us to have our thoughts focused on things that are uplifting, pure, lovely and that will direct our thoughts to Him. We can dedicate each task of our day to God. Even something as simple as cleaning our home can be dedicated to Him. It can be done with focused attention and feelings of gratitude for what we are able to do.
Today I am motivating myself, and I hope to encourage you as well, to focus our thoughts on things that are uplifting and good. For each task that we work on today let’s try to do it by first, dedicating that task to God and asking Him to help us accomplish it. Let’s feel grateful for the opportunity to focus on this task and for the health that we have to do it.
*Make a list with our to do’s and pray for guidance to know the top 3 things that we should focus on.
*Let’s focus on recognizing and eliminating our distractions. Leaving the phone in another room or turning off the TV are all ways to remove those things that may distract us.
*Set a 25 minute timer to focus on each task and take a 5 minute break at the end of each 20 minute session to celebrate what you’ve been able to do during those 20 mins. A 5 minutes break f feels great! Even if it’s to step outside for a minute or drink some water. 🙂
*End each session by taking a moment to notice how you feel after completing it. Allow yourself to feel gratitude for having been able to focus on the task. The more positive we are at viewing each task and visualizing each accomplishment, the better we will feel while doing it. 😉
Finally, practicing mindfulness is another great opportunity to create better focus. Sometimes we tend to do things with other distractions around us. For example, we may listen to a podcast while we are cleaning or listening to music etc.. All of those things can be great sometimes, but it’s also important for us to have moments when we turn everything off and when you’re able to fully focus on the task in silence. This is called mindfulness.
If you’re able to practice being in the moment, noticing what you are touching, smelling, hearing, feeling etc you’ll be able to notice how your focus will sharpen as you give yourself moments to practice mindfulness during your day. Sometimes just washing the dishes for example, just being in the moment. Swelling the soap, feeling the water etc are all things that we do “robotically” without noticing or just being in the moment. Practicing mindfulness is incredibly beneficial to our mind. The more we practice the better we will feel.
I know that God wants us to strengthen our minds, as well as our bodies and our spirits and I want to remind all of us that our mind and our spirit are very much connected. What we think about we become. Choosing to align ourselves to God, to hear His words, to pray to Him, to make our thoughts, focused, higher, uplifted, and positive will bless our lives in unimaginable ways.
Our goal for this week is to practice focused attention. Even if it’s only 20 minutes at a time. The more that we practice, remove distractions and invite good thoughts, the more we will be able to develop a habit of mastering our attention. We will be able to focus more on all that is good for ourselves, our families and those around us.
Hope to see you tonight in class at 7pm to give ourselves some love and to take care of strengthening our body mind and spirit & leave feeling peaceful, uplifted and renewed. 🙂
Lili 🌸