Hold on

As we face the different challenges that come into our lives, we start to realize that we really do have a choice on what we focus on. We can either let the challenges bring us down or allow ourselves to grow from them, hold on, be patient, pray and wait for God’s timing.

We know that our challenges are not something new to God. He knowns what we will face throughout our lives. He has known the end from the very beginning. He is fully aware of our challenges and is always ready to help us. Even when we don’t feel Him near, He is working behind the scenes to provide for us daily. So, what can we do to navigate life a little bit better & be more willing to trust God?

The best formula when a problem arises is for us to stop, take some deep breaths, find ourselves in the moment we’re in, pray for wisdom, forgiveness, strength and to be able to feel the love of God. We can cast our cares on Him and try to listen to His wisdom. Allowing that wisdom, love and peace to renew our minds and thoughts as well.

We can continue to fill ourselves spiritually with positive messages. We can try to be aware of what we need at this time. (Rest, Relaxation techniques, exercise, time alone etc) being aware of what we need and trying to love ourselves enough to take care of ourselves during our challenges will also help us to “recharge or re-new” our energy. It’s during those moments that we need to find stillness and remember to be kind, loving and positive with ourselves as we’re facing our different challenges.

In class we talk about becoming our own best cheerleaders throughout the ups and downs of life. We need to encourage ourselves to take care of our body, Mind and Spirit. We can’t depend on anyone else to do that for us. We can reach out to God to help us have the strength and motivation we need to move forward. HE WIll ANSWER OUR PRAYERS. He will help us even if it’s just by providing peace to our hearts at that very moment. The choice to come to Him will always be ours but as we come to Him we are renewed, stronger, motivated and willing to focus on the good that is around us.

We can also take moment to look more closely at our thoughts. We can notice which thoughts are serving us and which thoughts are weakening us. One of the best tools to check our thoughts is to write them down and to ask ourselves if they really do make sense. Sometimes writing thoughts down on paper can helps us to realize that they’re not really serving us and are causing more damage than good. We can ask ourselves, Is this thought really true? is this thought an energy draining Or energy producing thought. We can then allow ourselves to change some of those thoughts and to instead replace them for what God would tell us to focus on instead. Some examples can be that we choose to focus on gratitude, counting our blessings, joy and being just present in the moment. Choosing positive thoughts and actions will re-train our brain to help us move forward and upward on our journey of becoming the best version of ourselves.

God wants us all to have a truly personal relationship with Him. The truth is that we don’t have enough wisdom to run our own lives. WE NEED DAILY DIVINE HELP! God has that divine wisdom and power to help us through it all. So why not fully trust Him? Why not give it all to Him? He can protect us and either open or close doors for our benefit and wellbeing.

It’s important for us to discover and understand that life is way better when we’re fully dependent on a loving God, who is forgiving, kind, merciful and patient with us. Rather than to try to do life on our own. We really do need our creator if we’re looking for internal peace and guidance in our lives. He is the ultimate guide who knows what is truly best for us in the end.

So, let’s have faith in Him. Let’s not doubt His power, but instead remember who we are speaking to. The Father of our souls loves us! He is love, peace and joy and we have that divine DNA flowing within us! We just need to activate it more often 😉 As we allow ourselves to connect to that divine DNA within us our inner peace will increase and our ability to know how handle each moment will become clearer.

Now more than ever is the time to strengthen our relationship with God and allow it to grow stronger and brighter each day. As the world gets progressively darker and drawn away from God we can become progressively brighter and stronger in Him. Because with God by our side, we have nothing to fear and we can be filled with His hope, wisdom & knowledge. & NOTHING OR NO ONE can ever take that away from us. Life is sooo much better when we’re close to God!!! ❤️

Once we give it all to God and we try to focus on what we can do and think we have to remember that the enemy will continue to attack, bringing doubts, fears, clouding our minds with negative thoughts or distractions. So, we must be vigilant and aware that it’s in the waiting when the enemy tries to attack the most. But that’s when we can HOLD ON TO GOD AGAIN & focus on the power of prayer that can lift us up, and we can then say to ourselves; “I am a child of God. Created by the divine power of a loving Heavenly Father. His power is within me. He loves me. He supports me and provides abundantly in my life. He fills me with His peace and love daily and I continue forward knowing that God is working right now in my life. I now receive His love, peace and all that He has abundantly for me. ❤️

Finally, God wants us to experience His joy more fully. So, is there any joy that we can hold on to right now, while we wait for God to help us with our different challenges?…Turning our hearts and attention away from ourselves and focusing on giving to others will bring us more of the joy of God and allow us to receive more of His light and wisdom as we go through our different challenges. Our burdens become lighter when we turn our hearts to others and we’re better able to focus on the light that we’re able to share with others. God will see our efforts and bless us for that always. ❤️

So, this week our goal is to remember that there is Divine light fully available for us to gain more wisdom and guidance. We already have divine light within us, because we come from the presence of God. We just have to allow ourselves to create moments to strengthen that light through prayer, changing our negative thoughts, holding on, becoming our own best cheerleaders and focusing on the good around us and on what we can do to help ourselves and others.

Our physical goal will be to burn more calories than we take in. Eat healthy, nutritious food and move your body daily! 🙂 Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7pm (inside the building room 1&2) to do something amazing for your Body, Mind and Spirit. Hope that you can make it! ❤️🥰

Today is our chance to trust to Him. To give our pains, insecurities and challenges to Him. Today is our chance to listen for His divine guidance and to feel His love and peace. There won’t be another day like today. So, we must make the best of what we have 🙂 Today we can enjoy the Love, peace and light that God has available just for us. We can try our our best, cheer ourselves on! check our thoughts and purposefully choose thoughts that will be healing, kind, motivating and positive for us. He is our strength and our light and with Him we can do ALL THINGS.

John 14:27 Says; My Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. ❤️



Divinely Created

Each morning we wake up, we get to choose what to focus on. We have a daily opportunity to focus on light or darkness, good or bad etc. Each of us has an opportunity feel the energy of all living things around us. Especially the sun, trees, plants, water and animals. I would like to invite you today to take a moment to connect to that amazing energy of life and of all living creations that God has places on the earth.

Take a moment to go outside, breathe and connect to life around you and most importantly to connect to your creator. Try to feel your heart beating, your breath as it comes in and out if your body. Express gratitude to God for your health, for the ability to see, hear, smell, taste and to have this body today. When we can set time aside to speak to Him, to express gratitude to Him and to connect to the Divinity around us and within us, our environment and our energy will be renewed in His light, love and peace. We will be able to connect to His divine light and it will help us as we approach the different choices of our day.

When we can realize that we can talk to the same God who created this earth, who designed it and made it possible to create all living things that surround us, that are alive and have that “spark” of life within them. We will be better able to find reverence, love and respect for the God who has the power to keep our earth turning and our hearts beating. Seeing Him and recognizing the times when we have seen His hand in our lives, will change us! We will begin to see that we do have a God who hears each one of us individually. In His amazing way of being, He answers our prayers, comforts us, helps us or sends us messages or earthly angels to help us, lift us and encourage us.

How amazing for each of us to be able to recognize that we come from that same divine light. Not only that, but that we can feel immense LOVE from God being poured upon us daily. I want to remind you, that He does hear your prayers, He does want to know the feelings of your heart, and His biggest joy would be to have a relationship WITH YOU!!! ❤️

Another important thing He wants us to realize, is that He created our bodies for our spirits to reside in. Our bodies are the temples to our spirits! So, how important is it to each one of us to take care of our body and our spirit? We take care of the physical things that are around us. We try to have a clean home, we take care of our cars, clothes, possessions. We take care of buildings, historical places, temple/sacred places of worship. We take care of all of these places because of their importance, their beauty and our love for them.

Yet, somehow we find ways to disrespect our body, our mind and our spirit. 🙁 We talk negatively about ourselves, we defile our bodies with the bad things we put into ourselves. From food we consume, the substances that we put in or on our body, the media we watch and all that we consume emotionally, mentally and spiritually as well. The more we add the sneaky things that are negativity the less we’ll be able to recognize how to better take care of our divine body, Mind and soul. So, let’s try to take a moment to think about what we’re not paying attention to, that is polluting or degrading our Body, Mind and Soul.

Let’s try to recognize what we need to get rid of, remove, “clean” and ask God to help us to purify ourselves to have more appreciation, love and respect for ourselves. Ultimately, we’re the ones who get to live on our bodies. We have to try to care for our physical, spiritual and emotional parts of ourselves more than anything else! Were the ones who have to live with ourselves. We take ourselves everywhere! If we’re not making sure that we’re pure within, filled with light, love, peace, charity and all that is good then NO ONE ELSE CAN CHANGE THAT FOR US! We have to make ourselves a daily priority to take care of ourselves and all that comes into our surroundings and internally as well.

We get to be our own best cheerleaders, we get to invite all that is good, healing and positive into our ourselves. We get to be United with God in our purpose, goals and desires and as we align ourselves to Him, He will bless us! He will help us, He will lift us, guide us and show us the ways to change and the wisdom to know what is good to keep and better to remove from our lives. Let’s have admiration for our bodies, let’s have respect for the body God is lending us, let’s take care of it! Nourish it in the best ways we can. So that one day we may look to God and He may be proud of who we become physically, mentally and spiritually. I believe we will all have the opportunity someday to show God what we did with our body, mind and spirit while we were here on this earth. So, let’s encourage ourselves and do our best each day to take care of ourselves.

Today, let’s focus on expressing gratitude to God for the creations that are around us and for the creating that we are! 😍 God has placed us on earth with a purpose and a plan. Even if it’s one person that you get to help today, that alone can save someone who needed YOU specifically to be there. Let’s allow ourselves to connect to the love of God, who gives us the ability to CHOOSE what it is that we want to focus on today.

We have the freedom to choose how to take care of ourselves. How to speak to ourselves, what to eat, what to enter our minds, hearts and souls. WE ARE IN CONTROL OF WHAT WE ALLOW TO GROW WITHIN OURSELVES. God loves you so much He gives you the freedom to choose what to do with this amazing creation He has given you. The more we’re able to express gratitude for our body, the more we will be able to find our connection to God and the more inspiration we will gain so that we will be better able to take care for our ourselves.

I invite you to connect more with yourself. To CHOOSE to LOVE YOURSELF MORE. To grow your confidence in God so that you may easily see the type of love you should have for yourself. Ask God to help you love yourself more and do all that you do from a place of Love and honor to yourself and to God. The daily choices we make are opportunities to honor ourselves and glorify God. Choose to life your life from a place of honoring your Body, Your Mind and your spirit because you know you’re a Child of God. You have a Body to remind you of this daily! Make it your goal to strengthen and LOVE TAKING CARE OF YOUR BODY, MIND & SPIRIT.

1 Corinthians 6:19 Says, know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

The spirit and the body are the soul of man. The body and the spirit are meant to work in harmony with one another. We NEED to try to take good care of our physical bodies as well as our spirits. So, when you make up each morning and you see that sunrise or when you look at yourself In the mirror take a moment to thank God for what He has given you today. PRACTICE Speaking kindly and lovingly to yourself. Try to find the beauty that God has given you. Not only in the physical way but also the emotional and spiritual parts of you. Find your light, focus on that divine light within you and allow it to GROW! Set your goals from a place of love and not dissatisfaction with yourself. God doesn’t want you to allow the enemy to make you feel bad about yourself. Instead He wants you to TRUST HIM MORE! TO LOVE YOURSELF, GOD AND OTHERS BY SEEING THE DIVINE LIGHT ON ALL LIVING THINGS & REMEMBERING TO DO YOUR BEST ONE DAY AT A TIME. CHOOSE JOY, PEACE, LIGHT AND LOVE. ❤️

See you tonight at 7pm inside the building to do something AMAZING for your Body, Mind and Spirit! 🥰❤️ Don’t let things get in the way of an opportunity to do something good for yourself. There’s always opposition in all things (especially the good ones) but find your strength, your motivation and come join a group of positive energy to help you release release stress and leave you feeling renewed and recharged mentally, physically and spiritually. ❤️💪🏼🥰


Lili ❤️

The Power To Become

Our life has a purpose. When God created each one of us He had a plan in mind and a mission for us to accomplish. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. God wants us to be hopeful, to trust Him and to do our best to accomplish His plans for us. As we place our trust in Him & come closer to Him our purpose will become clearer and He will be better able to guide us toward becoming who He desires us to become. ❤️

When we keep that hope in our lives we are better able to move toward our ultimate goal, which is to live a life that we can be proud of. A life that is filled with good & that God will approve of. Ultimately, we are all here to PREPARE TO MEET GOD. So, our goal is to stay focused on trying to live the best life we can for God, for ourselves & for those around us.

Having hope and faith in God brings us the power to act. We know that we can’t just wish for things to happen and that’s it. When we have faith in God we gain a stronger desire to ACT! we’re more willing to put in the work necessary toward reaching who we are meant to be. God said; “Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in Faith believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be done unto you.” (Moroni 7:26)

God is ready to bless us if we have a pure heart, if we seek Him & Ask Him, BELIEVING that we will receive. How amazing is that? This is where our faith is tested & where God is able to show Himself in our lives. Christ said; “If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me.” (Moroni 7:33) That scripture promises us that we will have power through our faith to accomplish the desires of our heart that align with the desire that God has for us. So, with our Faith in God, we’re better able to see more clearly which goals we should focus on.

We can go to God & from Him receive wisdom and power to accomplish those things. We can then Act toward our goals taking the daily action to move closer to our goals. God will help us achieve our physical, spiritual, emotional or temporal goals. He knows what’s in our hearts and because He loves us and wants the best for us, HE WILL HELP US. TRUST IN HIM AND IN YOUR ABILITY TO DO THIS FOR YOURSELF. ❤️

Having faith allows us to act as if our goals are on their way. 😉 that belief and trust in God and in ourselves that we will make our goals possible with his help, will happen bring motivation. We can ask for daily wisdom to know what to focus on for this day, and we can move forward toward accomplishing that goal. Remember to start out with smaller goals that lead to the bigger goals. The more that we’re able to accomplish the small things the more momentum we will have to accomplish the bigger things. Practice seeing yourself accomplishing your daily goals. Visualize yourself doing it and having Gods help to achieve what is in your heart. feel yourself getting Healthier, stronger, becoming more peaceful, accomplished etc. ❤️

When you have those days when notice yourself comparing where you are to where you want to be, focus on this one question: “What single, small decision can I make right now to move forward in my process of becoming? Write down your thoughts and feelings and be aware of what comes to your mind. That’s one way you can know which action to take. Also, there may be times when we feel like giving up on our goals because we slipped or made a mistake. But remember to be kind to yourself, Don’t give up. Just take a moment to evaluate what led to the mistake and wether your process should be modified to help prevent it from happening in the future. If you know your goals are worth working toward you will keep trusting and moving forward with faith in God.

Finally, Remember that rather than focusing solely on the outcome of the goal, put your energy into the process of becoming. In a process, every moment is important. You can enjoy feelings of small daily successes. You can learn from setbacks, rather than treating them as signs of failure. In a process of becoming you can find joy in each moment, you can be grateful for the opportunity to be a work in progress. You trust that as long as you are working the process, which is an essential part of exercising faith in God, reaching your goal will be the natural outcome.

So, make it a point today to re-evaluate your goals! Think about what you’re working toward and what God wants you to place as your top priorities. Align yourself to that knowledge and that desire to work toward the things which are important. Make a plan, start small, visualize and give yourself grace and the motivation that you need to accomplish each thing. If we want something we just work toward it. Make it a pleasure to work on yourself and on your journey of becoming. Find joy in this journey and move forward trusting and having faith in God and in yourself. ❤️

With God all things are possible! You can do it! Count on Him, do your best & go for it. ❤️ HOPE, ACT & BECOME.

Our spiritual goal for the next few weeks is to accomplish some goals. Set 3 goals that you want to work toward. Break down the steps and set aside the time daily to act on them. Ask God in Faith to help you & get to work 😉 you can do it! Plus, God has promised the POWER for you to accomplish it. Stay motivated and make it it happen. HOPE, ACT & ACCOMPLISH ❤️

Our Physical goal for the week is to exercise at least 3 days and to eat as clean as we can. Choose nutrient rich snacks and try to remove the sugary drinks. The only exception will be thanksgiving day 😉 try to be good this week in your choices. That can be one of your goals to try to accomplish. Make it easy for yourself by having healthy snacks available so you don’t get super hungry and reach for the bag of chips in the pantry. try it out and feel the difference in your mood and energy. Your body will thank you for choosing good food 🙂 ❤️

OUR NEW CLASS SCHEDULE BEGINS TODAY AT 7:00 pm! 💖 We’ll be inside with fun lights & great music to help us release stress, and do something awesome for our Body, Mind and Spirit. 🥰❤️

CLASS WILL BE CANCELED NEXT WEEK DUE TO THANKSGIVING & THEN THE WEEK AFTER I WILL BE OUT OF TOWN. So, that’s 2 weeks without class. 🙈 Which means that tonight is our chance to do this! 💪🏼😝 So, motivate yourself to do this for YOU! & to remember your reasons “WHY” you want to do this & actually do it. 😉 keeping the promises to ourselves is one of the best way to gain confidence and peace in our daily life. So, let’s do this! 🥰💖👏🏼

Hope to see you there and that you’re able to keep this message and goals in your heart. God will strengthen you & help you to accomplish them. Trust Him & DO YOUR BEST ONE DAY AT A TIME. ❤️



Gratitude Power

Gratitude is one of the most overlooked tools that we all have access to every day. Cultivating gratitude doesn’t cost any money and it certainly doesn’t take much time, but the benefits are enormous.

Did you know that just by being grateful you can shield yourself from negativity? There’s a study that shows that being grateful can instantly make you at least 25% happier, it rewires your brain, eliminates stress, strengthens your relationship with yourself and others and it increases your mental strength.

Not only that, but God wants to remind you that He wants you to focus on gratitude instead of focusing on the things that don’t seem to be working right in your life. He has promised us this; “And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.” (D&C 78:19) How amazing that God has promised us that as we focus on gratitude, He will bless us with even more than what we have now. Do we trust Him to do that for ourselves as we choose to be more thankful?

The more we’re able to practice gratitude the more we will invite joy into our lives. And Practicing is the part that will really change our lives.

So, how can you make this a part of your daily life? You can start first thing in the morning by thanking God for a new opportunity of having a new day, for your gifts and blessings. You can also have a gratitude journal to help you notice the daily blessings. Throughout the day you can have moments to just breathe and be in that feeling of gratitude. Or you can make it a point during your family dinner to say one thing you’re each thankful for. All of these things will invite joy into your life and the life of your loved ones and it will also add the physical and spiritual benefits of being grateful.

So, If you’ve been feeling stressed and overwhelmed please take a moment to stop what you’re doing, to have a second to just close our eyes and to take a few deep breaths….Just taking a moment to be thankful for this simple ability to take in a breath is all you need to focus on.

With each breath that comes into our body we can experience deeper and deeper feelings of gratitude for all that we have and for all that we’ve received from God. We can allow those breaths to strengthen us and to renew and energize our body, our mind and our spirit. Remember, focus on your blessings. You’re in charge of controlling how you feel and what to focus on. Let it be for your benefit and for your inner peace.

The goal for this week is to be thankful DAILY ☀️when you start feeling stressed take a moment to count your blessings instead. Think about the simple gift of life. The fact that you’re able to be on this earth today, that you can breathe, be here and present with everything that surrounds you. The more that you focus on those things the more you’ll enjoy your day, the more stress will disappear and you’ll be able to feel peaceful and joyful and instead focus on the abundant blessings that God has given you and will continue to give you.

St. John 14: 18 says
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
One of the ways in which we can feel the comfort of God is by expressing gratitude to Him and by being willing to trust in the promise that He will never leave us comfortless. Gratitude will allow us to open our eyes to see more of the blessings that God has given us and in return It will allow us to strengthen our relationship with Him. We will be able to see our trust in Him more and we’ll be able to believe in His will and goodness for our lives. This will allow us to stop fearing and instead have more faith in Him and in ourselves. And once we’re able to do that we can then help Him to reach out to others in gratitude to testify of His goodness and to be a light and a blessing to those around us.

The benefits of gratitude not only bring health and mental strength into our lives. They also add confidence in God and in ourselves that will allow us to have a way more joyful, enjoyable and peaceful life. We will be better able to help ourselves and others on our journey, and it will remind us daily of the love of God. The choice is yours, let gratitude be your blessing today.

CLASS IS CANCELED TODAY but we will be back next week ready to do something awesome for our Body, Mind and Spirit.

Our spiritual goal for this week is to keep a gratitude journal or to express our gratitude daily and see how we feel.

Our physical goal is to cut out the sugary drinks and to drink more water instead. We’ll also try to exercise at least 3 days this week.




Hold On

As we face the different challenges that come into our lives, we start to realize that we really do have a choice on what we focus on. We can either let the challenges bring us down or allow ourselves to grow from them, hold on, be patient, pray and wait for God’s timing.

We know that our challenges are not something new to God. He knowns what we will face throughout our lives. He has known the end from the very beginning. He is fully aware of our challenges and is always ready to help us. Even when we don’t feel Him near, He is working behind the scenes to provide for us daily. So, what can we do to navigate life a little bit better & be more willing to trust God?

The best formula when a problem arises is for us to stop, take some deep breaths, find ourselves in the moment we’re in, pray for wisdom, forgiveness, strength and to be able to feel the love of God. We can cast our cares on Him and try to listen to His wisdom. Allowing that wisdom, love and peace to renew our minds and thoughts as well.

We can continue to fill ourselves spiritually with positive messages. We can try to be aware of what we need at this time. (Rest, Relaxation techniques, exercise, time alone etc) being aware of what we need and trying to love ourselves enough to take care of ourselves during our challenges will also help us to “recharge or re-new” our energy. It’s during those moments that we need to find stillness and remember to be kind, loving and positive with ourselves as we’re facing our different challenges.

In class we talk about becoming our own best cheerleaders throughout the ups and downs of life. We need to encourage ourselves to take care of our body, Mind and Spirit. We can’t depend on anyone else to do that for us. We can reach out to God to help us have the strength and motivation we need to move forward. HE WIll ANSWER OUR PRAYERS. He will help us even if it’s just by providing peace to our hearts at that very moment. The choice to come to Him will always be ours but as we come to Him we are renewed, stronger, motivated and willing to focus on the good that is around us.

We can also take moment to look more closely at our thoughts. We can notice which thoughts are serving us and which thoughts are weakening us. One of the best tools to check our thoughts is to write them down and to ask ourselves if they really do make sense. Sometimes writing thoughts down on paper can helps us to realize that they’re not really serving us and are causing more damage than good. We can ask ourselves, Is this thought really true? is this thought an energy draining Or energy producing thought. We can then allow ourselves to change some of those thoughts and to instead replace them for what God would tell us to focus on instead. Some examples can be that we choose to focus on gratitude, counting our blessings, joy and being just present in the moment. Choosing positive thoughts and actions will re-train our brain to help us move forward and upward on our journey of becoming the best version of ourselves.

God wants us all to have a truly personal relationship with Him. The truth is that we don’t have enough wisdom to run our own lives. WE NEED DAILY DIVINE HELP! God has that divine wisdom and power to help us through it all. So why not fully trust Him? Why not give it all to Him? He can protect us and either open or close doors for our benefit and wellbeing.

It’s important for us to discover and understand that life is way better when we’re fully dependent on a loving God, who is forgiving, kind, merciful and patient with us. Rather than to try to do life on our own. We really do need our creator if we’re looking for internal peace and guidance in our lives. He is the ultimate guide who knows what is truly best for us in the end.

So, let’s have faith in Him. Let’s not doubt His power, but instead remember who we are speaking to. The Father of our souls loves us! He is love, peace and joy and we have that divine DNA flowing within us! We just need to activate it more often 😉 As we allow ourselves to connect to that divine DNA within us our inner peace will increase and our ability to know how handle each moment will become clearer.

Now more than ever is the time to strengthen our relationship with God and allow it to grow stronger and brighter each day. As the world gets progressively darker and drawn away from God we can become progressively brighter and stronger in Him. Because with God by our side, we have nothing to fear and we can be filled with His hope, wisdom & knowledge. & NOTHING OR NO ONE can ever take that away from us. Life is sooo much better when we’re close to God!!! ❤️

Once we give it all to God and we try to focus on what we can do and think we have to remember that the enemy will continue to attack, bringing doubts, fears, clouding our minds with negative thoughts or distractions. So, we must be vigilant and aware that it’s in the waiting when the enemy tries to attack the most. But that’s when we can HOLD ON TO GOD AGAIN & focus on the power of prayer that can lift us up, and we can then say to ourselves; “I am a child of God. Created by the divine power of a loving Heavenly Father. His power is within me. He loves me. He supports me and provides abundantly in my life. He fills me with His peace and love daily and I continue forward knowing that God is working right now in my life. I now receive His love, peace and all that He has abundantly for me. ❤️

Finally, God wants us to experience His joy more fully. So, is there any joy that we can hold on to right now, while we wait for God to help us with our different challenges?…Turning our hearts and attention away from ourselves and focusing on giving to others will bring us more of the joy of God and allow us to receive more of His light and wisdom as we go through our different challenges. Our burdens become lighter when we turn our hearts to others and we’re better able to focus on the light that we’re able to share with others. God will see our efforts and bless us for that always. ❤️

So, this week our goal is to remember that there is Divine light fully available for us to gain more wisdom and guidance. We already have divine light within us, because we come from the presence of God. We just have to allow ourselves to create moments to strengthen that light through prayer, changing our negative thoughts, holding on, becoming our own best cheerleaders and focusing on the good around us and on what we can do to help ourselves and others.

Our physical goal will be to burn more calories than we take in. Eat healthy, nutritious food and move your body daily! 🙂 Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 6pm to do something amazing for your Body, Mind and Spirit. If it’s raining we’ll be inside. If not, we’ll see you outside by the lake. Hope that you can make it! ❤️🥰

Today is our chance to trust to Him. To give our pains, insecurities and challenges to Him. Today is our chance to listen for His divine guidance and to feel His love and peace. There won’t be another day like today. So, we must make the best of what we have 🙂 Today we can enjoy the Love, peace and light that God has available just for us. We can try our our best, cheer ourselves on! check our thoughts and purposefully choose thoughts that will be healing, kind, motivating and positive for us. He is our strength and our light and with Him we can do ALL THINGS.

John 14:27 Says; My Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. ❤️



Receptors For Gods Love

There are days when we feel discouraged, like we’re not doing enough or accomplishing enough. There are days when the weight of everything feels heavier and when it becomes harder to focus on all the good that we have.

It’s on those days when we need to watch our thoughts a little bit more carefully. Because those thoughts of discouragement, hopelessness or heaviness do not come from a God who is loving and kind.

It’s important for us to recognize the times when those heavy thoughts come into our minds. They sometimes seem to overwhelm, frustrate and discourage us. Making us feel on some days disconnected from God and from ourselves. It’s totally ok for us to cry and allow ourselves to feel and experience all kinds of emotions. It’s part of life that we learn to be aware of the different feeling and emotions we’re having and to try to process them and help ourselves.

It’s also important to recognize that the enemy is also at work, and that he wants us to be miserable like himself. He will throw all kinds of terrible thoughts about ourselves, our lacks and “inadequacies” He wants us to think that we’re not good enough, that we’re not doing enough that we’re failing at things…making us feel terrible and miserable is his goal.

It’s during times like these when we need to remind ourselves that we need to get good at recognizing where those negative thoughts are coming from. That is not the language of God. He would never speak to us like that. God on the other hand, would take us where we’re at. He would remind us of His love for us. God’s love is never failing and never changes. It won’t change because of how much we achieve or accomplish. It won’t change because of how much money we make or what we look like.

His love is the same and it has always been the same from the beginning and it will be the same forever and ever. He encourages us, He lifts us, He strengthens us and tells us to focus on Joy, peace and love. So, don’t forget, His love doesn’t change, what changes sometimes is our ability to be receptive to His love.

I like to compare that to receptors. Our physical health depends on hormones and their receptors. If something is wrong with a receptor, it makes it hard for that receptor to receive the messages that the body sends to heal or take care of things. Eventually a receptor that doesn’t work can cause illness or disease to occur. For us to experience good health our receptors need to be able to receive and transmit the signals throughout our body.

Similarly, we have spiritual receptors that transmit messages. We can test within us our receptors of the love of God. Sometimes our receptors fail, and we end up allowing more negative thoughts into our minds and hearts.
But when our receptors for the Love of God are activated, when they’re open and ready to receive the light, love and peace from God. We’ll see that those negative thoughts will fade away. Our receptors will be open to helping us and strengthening us rather than not functioning and affecting us negatively.

As we focus on recognizing that, we will be better able to keep our receptors active and ready to feel God’s love. It’s better for us to focus our thoughts and energy on trying to connect to God, rather than allowing negative thoughts to spiral is downward into more negative thinking. We can choose to focus our energy on what God can do for us instead and take action form there.

We can take time to ask for forgiveness & ask for guidance and wisdom to know what to focus on each hour. We can PRACTICE focusing our thoughts on the things that God would tell us and the ways in which He would want us to view ourselves, our lives and others. We can focus our receptors for His love to be activated daily through prayer, meditation and spending time in nature. Most important turning away from our phones and the distractions that are all around us keeping us trapped and away from feeling God and keeping our receptiveness to His divine love and peace throughout the day.

Some of the ways that can help us activate our receptors better are focusing on daily gratitude. We can write down things that we’re grateful for each day. We can also remember all of the times that God has been there for us in the past, and remember that He will do that again for us.

Making time to be alone with God especially in nature is one of the best ways to feel Him. Knowing that this world works perfectly and al things are supported by His divine light and knowledge can remind of us of His love for us and this home He created for us. It can also remind us that He’s in control and that We can trust in His divine knowledge.

We can then focus on hearing Him. Really trying to listen to the thoughts and feelings that He puts in our hearts. & if possible writing down the thoughts and feelings that he puts in our hearts. So that we may remember what to focus on throughout the day.

Let’s try to promise to ourselves that we will feed our minds and spirits uplifting words, music and messages to help us. By doing this, our energy will be recharged. We will feel way more connected to God. & it will become even easier for us to focus on joy each day.

As we try to be aware of our thoughts and focus on being receptive to God. We will see that each hour will feel on purpose. Our hearts will be fully connected to God and all of those negative and heavy thoughts will begging to disappear and go away completely.

We will Instead find gratitude, recognize our blessings and be better able to focus on the Love of God. Which will trickle down to other areas of our lives. We’ll be better able to have compassion for ourselves and to be kinder and way more loving toward ourselves and others.

So, Tell yourself; Today I choose to focus on God today. I choose to be receptive to His love. He removes the negative or heavy thoughts from my mind and heart and allows His peace and love to flow within me. I’m better able to love myself, to take care of myself and others. Today I choose God. I focus each hour on doing what He would want me to. On focusing my tastes to be dedicated to Him. I trust in His God of Love & wisdom. He is my creator, my Father, the one who has the perfect plan for me. God’s love is my shield and my protection. With Him I can do all things. ❤️

This is our spiritual goals for the week, to be receptive to Gods love each hour and to act from that point.

Our physical goal is to take care of ourselves by exercising at least 30 mins at least 4 days a week. Moving our bodies and exercises brings so many benefits. We just have to try it 🙂

Love you all and hope to see you in class tonight at 5:30pm. Motivate yourself to be there. The hardest thing is always showing up. But just get yourself there and you’ll feel the difference afterwards. You’ve got this! 💪🏼🥰❤️


My Inner Oasis

Often times our thoughts and conversations are so focused on the future or the past, that we forget to focus on the present. Being Present is bringing full awareness to the moment we are in. Filtering out distractions and bringing our attention to the task at hand.

Doing this allows the combined stresses of life to fade to the background as we focus on being right here, doing whatever it is that we are doing right now. With a focused mind and a sense of gratitude for this very moment.

As we’ve talked about in class, one of ways to improve our ability to come into the present moment is to calm the mind in meditation. Meditating at any time of the day, brings rewards that filter into all aspects of life. Any time Is the perfect time to refresh or renew ourselves. We just have to choose to make the time for it and allow it to actually benefit us.

Between our regular meditations or moments of quietness and prayer, we can use short meditations for even one or two minutes that can be refreshing, calming, centering and good for our health and clarity. They open the window of communication to our higher wisdom, returning us to our spiritual perspective and allowing us to connect to God and to ourselves. This allows us to focus on God’s peace, which as we’ve talked about is already within us. We can center our attention on Love and trust which will allow us to take actions from a place that is centered, confident and peaceful.

Our Goal for this next week is to bring ourselves to this calming connection as many times a day as possible. And most importantly to PRACTICE IT WHEN WE NEED IT MOST! We can practice becoming more present in our daily tasks. You can practice 5,4,3,2,1 and focusing on the tasks on your senses, (5 things you see, 4 things you hear, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you can smell & 1 things you can taste) practicing this will allow us to be more present and in the moment. We may have to remove some distractions. Make a little effort to push our phones aside and instead take some deep breaths, and bring our awareness to this very moment. 🙂 The more we practice and allow ourselves to live more in the present, the more we will be able to enjoy one day a time with focused energy.

Here’s one way you can practice this.

▫️Stop what you’re doing.

▫️Take three deep breaths and allow yourself to feel what is going on in your body and mind.

▫️Invite the calming peace and love to be with you.

▫️ set your intention for this next hour & start your next task with gratitude, kindness joy, compassion and love.

The choice of how you want to live and what you want to focus on, will always be yours. Choose what is best for your Mind, Body and Soul. This is your life and you can choose to make it joyful, peaceful and beautiful. Allow God to help you align to that peaceful, loving and beautiful energy each moment at a time.

Hope that you can allow yourself to have more moments to access your inner oasis. Practice it and you’ll feel the difference. 🙂 Can’t wait to see you tonight at 6pm so that we may do something amazing for ourselves and be able to strengthen our Body, Mind and Spirit today. ❤️



Finding Joy

If we’re in need of Joy we must look for it in the small and the scared moments of our everyday.

When we lose something we want to try to find it as soon as we realize that it is gone. We begin searching for it, we seek for what was hiding or lost for a period of time. Trying to find it is an adventure in itself, but we look forward to experiencing all of the the joy of being reunited with the loss thing.

The same thing happens when we notice that we have lost some of our Joy. Challenges and difficulties come to all of us, but we can remember that when things are lost or gone, we can focus on LOOKING OR SEARCHING for the sacredness in the small moments. All we need is our full attention plus a little resolve to find some amazing beauty in our day.

What we focus on grows. We see what we want to see- and we create what we concentrate on the most. So if we want peace, love, miracles and blessings, we first have to decide to notice them. each moment is an opportunity for us to see the sacredness of that moment. We can focus our attention on finding the beauty, the good, the peaceful and the holy in each moment. There truly is beauty all around us if we choose to see it.

It’s hard to fathom that God would even want to be present in the mundane moments of our lives. But what if God is already in them? What if all those little tiny moments are like mosaic tiles made up of some sort of divine clay and paint? Each little moment is like an imprint of Gods love, His fingerprints are in the little moments of our lives. The artwork that we will become as we choose to focus on seeing the beauty in the little things. The hand of God and the sacredness of each moment.

With a little mindfulness and taking a moment to be present in the here and now, we will be better able to see the little tiles of our mosaic which will catch our eye, fill our hearts, show us beauty and lead our way to joy. It’s in the moments when we are aware of the divine that we can experience gratitude and we begin to find what we we’re looking for. Joy begins to come in more abundantly and begins to cover us fully when we choose to focus on it.

We can see it In the morning light, the bird on a limb, the thought of a loving friend, the kindness of a stranger. The bite of food, the soft shirt, the trusty car, the cleansing rain. The smile of a child, the spoon in the pot, the broom on the floor, the tear over loss.

The common miracle here is love- which always wants to be found. Love is all around us, so look! Really look for what you want to find and you will experience the joy of being reunited with the lost thing- the divinity in the small and sacred things of your everyday life, which were there all along.

So, decide that beauty surrounds you today. Make it a point to seek and see the goodness and light that is all around you in the little moments. Watch carefully for beautiful moments and stay present where love is. You get to do this for yourself and you deserve to focus on love, peace and joy in the little moments of your day.

God wants to remind you that He is aware of YOU. Of what you’re going through. He is with you and will never leave you. He is here with you right now. You’re not alone. Feel His love and allow yourself to be open to experiencing His full peace and love being poured abundantly over you in this very moment. He invites you to notice the sacred in each small moment and to find joy in Him daily. In the daily miracles of your life so that you may begin to see His mosaic of divine love for YOU.

I hope that you can make it to class tonight at 6:00 pm to release stress, and to strengthen yourself mentally, physically and spiritually. Make & keep that promise to yourself. 💪🏼🥰 You won’t regret it but instead you’ll leave feeling amazing, renewed and ready to do your best the rest of the week. ❤️


Lili 💖

Love Over Fear

I choose Faith over anxiety, hope over worry and love over fear.

These words can serve us in two ways: As an affirmation and as a practice. When fears arise, affirmations and our breathing can move us gently toward the light even as we face the darkness. They make us mindful of our thoughts and our choice to direct them with faith and hope. Choosing to do this over and over again is the practice, when worries settle in, we always have the choice to look at them through the eyes of love or the eyes of God.

When we feel stressed and overwhelmed we can close the door to the outside world and instead make our thoughts and emotions known to God. I promise you that He does hear and answer every prayer of your heart. (Maybe not always in the timing we would like, but HE does answer) He did it for me this week. He answered me with LOVE. & just as He answered me with love, I know He will do the same for anyone who seeks Him. ❤️

As we’re willing to surrender our challenges to Him with a brave, patient and open heart. Trusting in the God of the Universe. The creator of our souls. We will see that He will remove the stress and anxiety from our hearts. We have to practice leaning on HIM! & Not leaning on our challenges or on the ways in which we can mold our situations. We can pray to be able to accept those things we can’t control and giving them to God. & instead focus on the things we can control. On inviting God to guide us each day and replace all of the heaviness we feel with HIS LOVE, LIGHT & PEACE. ❤️

The LOVE OF GOD is the greatest gift in the world. Just to know that you are loved by God, allows you to remove anything else that makes you feel unhappy, anxious or stressed. Because the love of God fills and covers your heart and soul with peace. It brings an assurance that everything will be ok. The soul that is able to trust in God, is able to gain way more strength to overcome the challenges of life than those who place the trust on themselves.

It’s completely up to us to CHOOSE to exercise our spiritual muscles daily & to focus on His love. ❤️ It’s up to us to choose to place our TRUST ON HIM with everything that happens in our lives and to know and believe that with HIS HELP we truly can overcome all things.

So, Today I invite you to say to yourself as often as you need to; I choose faith, Hope and Love and when I do, my anxiety, worries and fears dissolve. My focus becomes centered on the highest good for my soul. I believe that all things are possible as I place my trust on the amazing love of a God who is ALL GOOD, ALL KNOWING, ALL POWERFUL & ALL LOVING.

I trust in His never ending love and blessings and I know that He walks the path of life with me and He will carry me through it all. ❤️ Every thought out of my mind and soul today will come from a place of LOVE. Love for God, Love for myself and Love for others. ❤️ TODAY I CHOOSE FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE.

That is our Spiritual Goal for the week: To move from moment to moment breathing as deeply as we need to. Inviting ourselves to choose Love, Faith and Hope. Being compassionate to ourselves and others, and inviting God to be with us to guide our thoughts and actions from one moment to the next.

Our Physical Goal for the week: Is to give ourselves the right nutrition, movement and rest that our bodies need to be able to function their best each day. Remember to come from a place of love in how you treat, nourish and take care of yourself too.

Tonight at 6pm Let’s choose to give ourselves more love ❤️ By making time for ourselves to disconnect from all the other things going on & to instead come together as sisters to release stress and do something amazing for our Body, Mind and Spirit. We all need it during these times. 🙈💖🥰 & It will be SO Good for us!

If you feel that the physical portion of the class is not for you, but you’d like to come meditate with us, just show up at 7pm with your mat and meditate with us! 😍 it feels amazing & it will recharge us all so much! 🧘🏻‍♀️🌅

We all need to give ourselves the best activities we can, to help us strengthen ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually. Hope that you can make it and leave feeling AMAZING & connected to God and to yourself so much more! 💛

Remember to focus on loving yourself, on giving yourself the best nutrition and on allowing yourself to have moments of peace and quiet to recharge your energy and your connection to God. This will allow you to handle the challenges of life with a perspective that’s more aligned to God and where you can focus more on His love for you than on fear, stress or anxiety. God loves you! ❤️ keep trusting, believing and choosing Faith, Hope & Love. All will be ok. You’ve got this! 😘❤️



One Day At A Time

Sometimes we rush through our days having so many distractions and responsibilities that we forget to slow down a little and enjoy the moment.

Sadly, most of our thoughts end up stuck in the future or the past and by the time we know it, the day is gone. We’re on autopilot so much that we forget to have moments of being fully being present and engaged in each activity and each moment.

Slowing down and re-focusing our attention on the present moment takes practice. It’s not just a nice thought to have. It actually requires us to choose to practice each moment being fully there and fully present.

I believe that God created Day and night for a reason. Night time is our reminder to slow down, to rest, sleep and renew our minds and our bodies. A time for us to turn off the constant chatter of our thoughts, the stress and the distractions of our day and to allow ourselves to rest and recover.

I also believe that God our Father wants us to focus on taking in that sunrise as a way of seeing a new day as a new opportunity for us to choose that renewal for ourselves. A new opportunity to be more present and focused on today.

God doesn’t want us to run faster than we have strength, or to let our minds constantly dictate what we should think and do. We have the power each day and each moment to CHOOSE how to show up this very moment. To check our thoughts and see if they’re helpful and useful for us. God would want us to choose to do those things that can bring light into our souls, peace to our minds greater love to our hearts and health to our bodies.

He wants us to focus on taking things ONE DAY AT A TIME. The more that we’re able to enjoy the DAILY BLESSINGS, the “daily Bread” that God gives us & the daily energy and mercy that we’re able to receive from Him, the happier and more peaceful our lives will be.

One of the best ways to practice being present is to focus on our senses or 5,4,3,2,1. What do we see, hear, feel, smell and taste. We practice this in class almost every week to helps us bring our attention to the present. The more we’re able to make opportunities to practice being present, the better we will feel knowing that we’re actually living this very moment to the fullest.

Let’s practice making a conscious effort to enjoy each day, to give service, help others and most importantly to choose how to react to our thoughts. We can allow ourselves to feel our feelings and also choose to invite peace in that very moment.

We can focus our mind on scriptures or positive affirmations when we need to lift our focus. Some of my favorite affirmations are

I am a daughter of God, divine light is within me and around me. I am aligned and supported by my Father in Heaven and All is well.

I am clear, focused and efficient in my work today.

I am peaceful, joyful and patient with my kids and friends.

I flow through the day with the spirit, ease and grace.

I listen for guidance and follow my inner voice.

I have all the time I need for all I need to do.

These are some of the examples of affirmations that I use. Having affirmations and scriptures that help us is so important for us to be able to take it one day at a time and really be able to enjoy our life. He counsels us to take it one day at a time.

Mathew 6:34

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take Thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

He wants us to remember to not worry about tomorrow. The things of tomorrow will work out the way they’re meant to and according to His will. He doesn’t want us to be so focused about Tomorrow, instead He wants us to think about what we can do today.

So, I invite you to Trust in God and trust in His love. Trust that He will provide for you in His way and in His timing. Let go of those feelings of stress, anxiety and fear. Instead, trust in the being who created the universe and who knows the end from the beginning. The one who KNOWS YOU! LOVES YOU & has His own perfect plan for your life, for what you’re meant to go through, overcome and rejoice in…It’s all in HIS HANDS & HE LOVES YOU!!! ❤️ So, choose to live this day in Joy and feeling blessed.

Remember to take it one step at a time, one day at a time. Enjoy the blessings, the little moments and you will feel amazing in knowing that you’re enjoying your most precious DAILY blessings. Focus on just TODAY. Feel the love and the blessing of having those around you. Be Glad & make today an amazing day to be present. ☀️ God will bless you and take care of you. Trust in Him & He’ll take care of the rest. For now, just focus on today & do your best.

Psalm 118:24

This is the day which the Lord hath made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Our Spiritual goal for the week is to focus on taking it ONE DAY AT A TIME. Slow down a little and rejoice. 🙂 Find joy in your day. A life with joy is a life well lived. So, let’s focus on joy. Let’s practice being present and strengthening our relationship with God TODAY 😉 so that He may give us the daily wisdom that we need to know where to focus our energy, thoughts and actions.

Our Physical goal for the week is to move our bodies and to drink more water. Also, let’s try to eat foods rich in vitamins and nutrition. The more we’re able to help our bodies the better we will also feel mentally and spiritually. It’s all connected 😉

NEW ClASS TIME TONIGHT AT 6:30 pm!!! Come do something amazing for your Body, Mind and Spirit. You’ll be so proud of yourself and you’ll leave feeling peaceful, centered and renewed in every way.

Love you all & hope that you can make it and gain what you’re meant to from class and from this message. Remember to choose to do the best that you can for yourself today. Be present from one moment to the next and feel the difference. Tonight we’ll meditate together and strengthen ourselves together. Can’t wait to see you guys there!! 🥰💖🤗


Lili 🌸