Emotional Overwhelm

You know how you have those days when you wake up and realize how much you have to do? How little time you have to do it all? Or when you just have that feeling of overwhelm from everything that is going on?…Well, I just had one of those days yesterday. 

I felt like I started my day with good intentions. I woke up getting ready to start my new fall 2020 routine as a homeschool mom.? I thought I was going to be able to accomplish what I wanted to do for that day. Not only for my kids, but for my home, work and more. Little by little I started to realize that I wasn’t even close to completing what was on my “to do list” I felt the overwhelm and stress start to get to me from my lack of accomplishments for that day. 

I found myself continuing to go on the whole day without a break. Until I was forced to sit in my car and wait for the rain to stop before I could get out. That rain was a tender mercy to me. It forced me to sit in my car and say a little prayer, asking God to help me ease those feelings of overwhelm and stress that had been over me the entire day.

As soon as I was done with my prayer, I looked up at the sky, and noticed the rain and the sunset. For the first time in my whole day I felt completely present in that very moment. Then, I had this incredible feeling that brought SO much peace to my heart, it made me cry. It was as if the voice and peace of God had come into my car and touched my soul for sure! Because it instantly, it took all of those overwhelming emotions away. ??? 

I learned once again the importance of allowing ourselves to slow down a little. We talk about this in class every week! ? We talk about being mindful and present in our Body, Mind & Soul.  So, I realized that I needed to practice what I preach! lol This was my opportunity to be present at this very moment with myself. ? This was another opportunity for me to experience it for myself and to allow God to speak to my heart. 

During that small amount of time in my car, I gained so much from God. He allowed me to feel in my heart His immense love ❤️ I felt How much He notices the little details and all of the good actions that we do. He sees way passed the stuff on our to do list. Instead, He sees all that we can become & encourages us to focus on the most important things each day and to just TRUST HIM.

Everything that that happens in our lives is truly meant to bring us more wisdom and experience. As long as we don’t choose to numb our emotions with food, addictions or entertainment. But instead, for us to make a conscious decision to take a little time to disconnect from those things, from the pressures that we place on ourselves and have a moment to instead connect to God. He is the one that helps us precisely when we feel like we’re not doing enough. He will send angels to our lives to remind us of this. & He will help us along the path of life to focus on the good! On His healing power, love and light that is available ALL of us. ❤️

Yeah, maybe I didn’t accomplish the things on my to do list. But I did have a few moments when I experienced the smiles of my children. I was able to give to them a hug or just be there for them. ? Maybe I didn’t accomplish cleaning or doing more…But I’m thankful that I was able to slow down enough to be present with my emotions and present for my myself to align my whole self to God. To be mindful enough to try to speak the desires of my heart to Him and to be able to enjoy His tender mercies for me each and every day. Those are truly the moments that make any day a good day. Just the fact that we can still be here, enjoying these hours & moments are all gifts. Don’t take them for granted, but instead try to be present, & don’t focus so much on the past or the future. God reminds us to take it one day at a time. ?

So, today I want to encourage you to slow down a little more. To be more present with yourself. To let go of distractions or negative thoughts & instead invite God unto your life. Don’t forget that He is the ONLY ONE who truly knows exactly what you need and how to help you. I believe that we can’t have true, deep joy in our life without having a relationship with God. ❤️ I promise that He will take away your emotional overwhelm just as he did it for me. He will allow you to see your blessings and to feel His love which will bring strength into your life and allow you to be filled with more Joy, light and peace. Regardless of what goes on, remember to be present for yourself. Take some deep breaths, my goal today is to be mindful each hour ?? Remember today to say a little prayer and count your blessings. God will be there for you! ❤️??

Hope to see you in class tonight at 6:30pm to strengthen your Body, Mind and Spirit. ?? Part fo taking care of our emotional selves also has to do with what we feed our body and the exercise that we do. It’s so healing for us to add these things into our day. So, I invite you to come to class and renew your strength and your energy today. I’m here for you if you need me as well. ??? Take it one day at a time & do your best today. ??


Lili ?